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Daya's POV

After the game ended I started packing up my stuff in my bag and we all headed out of the stadium.

"We headin out to IHop if yall wanna come." Quince spoke as we got to our cars.

"I can eat." Dinah said.

"Same" Mani agreed.. And I was gonna decline but as much as I wanted to go home I was also starving.

"Alright let's go." I replied.

We got in our cars and we started to drive off. We got to a stoplight and I pulled up next to them. From the side of me I could here an engine reving and I looked over to see Quince in the drivers seat smirking. I rolled my eyes and just looked forward.

"Hey Daya wanna race." Quince spoke. I looked over to him and smirked.

"I don't think you wanna do that." I replied still staring straight.

"Why you scared you-" his sentence got cut off as I slammed on the gas pedal right as the light turned green.


We pulled up to IHop. We walked in and sat down waiting for the boys.

"Of course you had to show Quincy up too" Dinah spoke as we sat down.

"Eh he had it coming" Mani replied.

We all looked up expecting to see the boys walking in when we heard the little bell go off as the door opened. I rolled my eyes when I saw Nikki walk in with her little posey and a couple of boys from the team.

"Ugh it's you." Nikki spoke, gaining glares from us.

"It's funny, I was just about to say the same thing." Dinah fired back.

"Do you think I was talking to you bitch, obviously not." She snapped.

"What did you just call me." Dinah spoke getting up and approaching her. Me and Mani both got up and I rushed and got in between them.

"Dj chill." I spoke trying to calm her down.

"Please, it's not like she was ACTUALLY gonna touch me, lay one finger and you would be kicked off the squad." Nikki scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Don't forget you can too." I replied turning to face her.

"Please, I got on by pure talent and I don't care if you're captain you don't have the power to kick me off the squad." She spit.

"No you're right but may I remind you that as captain I am in charge of ALL cheerleaders, which means I can bench your ass all season, so I suggest you stay in your lane and DON'T test me." I fired back.

"Whatever, but this isn't over." She scoffed and walked away with her posey. We watched them walk passed us and as they went to their seats.

"Wow, why does it feel like everyone wants to rip each others heads off?" Brian spoke.

We laughed at his comment as we turned back around.

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