Cheer Tryouts

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~Daya's POV~

I woke up squinting my eyes from the light shining through the crack of my curtains. Another day of school great. I don't know how regular high school kids do it, waking up at fucking 6 in the morning just to go to school. I rolled out of my bed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Ugh I'm so fucking tired" Dinah yawned.

"Same, between school, sports, and the mission I can't fucking feel my legs anymore." I complained walking into the bathroom.

After I got ready for the day I heard a shriek, I quickly ran downstairs to see Mani sitting at the table glaring at Dinah who is currently jumping with exciting.

"What's wrong?!" I gasping, trying to catching my breathe.

"Cheer tryouts are today!" She shrieked still jumping for joy.

"Are you serious? I thought someone was trying to kill you." I complain, sitting at the table.

"I wish." Mani mumbled which earned a glare from Dinah.

As we got to the school we were looking for a parking space and when we finally found one we were gonna pull in when another car came to a stop right next to us. I glared at whoever was in the jeep right next to us and I rolled down my window to see who this prick was. As I rolled down my window I see the back of the guy's head. He had black, curly hair. He was obviously laughing with someone who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Hey, back up asshole I was here first." I snapped.

He quickly turned around and I realized who it was, Trev. He turned around with wide eyes and when he met my gaze he quickly changed his expression to a smirk.

"Wow how can such hurtful words come out of such a pretty face." Trev said and the boys popping their heads to see us girls in the car.

"Listen, letting you take our table is one thing, but this is our parking spot." He said nodding towards the parking space.

"Oh, please yall think you guys own everything." Dinah says from the backseat.

"We don't think we know, and we do babe" Quince winked and Dinah to roll her eyes.

"Look I know you ladies love us and we're flattered, but you don't have to be this desperate to get our attention." he smirked causing the boys to laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry did we say we were trying to get your attention." I ask pointing to myself and the girls and they shook their heads.

"Look's like your girlfriend Nikki has that all covered for you." I smile innocently.

Trev frowned "She's not my girlfriend."

"Hi Trev!" Nikki yells as if it were on cue.

Trev groans causing all of us to laugh even the boys. I took this as my chance while the boys were laughing and Trev feeling embarrassed I quickly put my stick into drive and pulled in to the parking spot. As we got out of the car the boys were staring at us basically wide eyed.

Trev narrowed his eyes, which I responded with a wink feeling accomplished with what just happened and we walked into the school.


"Look D I still don't think we should do this" I said as we were getting dressed out.

"But you promised Z we are going to try out" Dinah said with a firm tone.

Ugh I never actually thought in a million years would I try out for the cheer squad. They're always so peppy, either that or they're stuck up bitches who think they're better than everybody. As we walk out onto the field we all begin stretching.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I look up to see Nikki glaring at me with her hands on her hips.

"What does it look like." I said standing up.

Nikki scoffs "You don't actually think you're gonna make it do you, I mean come on why don't you do yourself a favor and leave before you fuck up and embarrass yourself."

I glared but before I could say anything there was a loud whistle that caught all of our attention and as we looked coach was looking down at her clip board, she was calling out the names of the girls who were gonna try out.

"Don't let her get to you, Z you already know you are more than capable of making the squad." Mani patted my shoulder.

"Oh I'm not just gonna make the squad, I'm gonna put that little prissy bitch in her place." I replied giving a devilish smirk.

"Alright listen up ladies, before we start the rest of try outs who would like to try out to be caption." Coach asked.

Of course Nikki shot her hand up because she was already captain, and obviously no one else wanted to raise their hand because she was supposedly the best. As coach looked around she was going to move on but I wasn't gonna let her win this.

"I would" I spoke up raising my hands. I could hear gasps from some of the other girls and Mani and Dinah were in shock knowing that cheer was the last thing I wanted to do let alone become captain. Nikki just gave me a glare testing me to challenge her.

"Well alright looks like we got ourselves a cheer off." Coach said.

"Oh you're going down" Nikki spat bumping my should as she walked past me.

"Oh I'm gonna enjoy this" I mumbled.

Of course Nikki started it out first because she wanted to show everyone who was best and I have to admit she was really good. You could tell she has been tumbling for a while. When she got done everyone applaud her which probably satisfied her ego.

Now it was my turn, I started off standing straight and when the music started I went off in a series of flips. As I was coming to the end of my cheer I shouted "Go East Riverwoods!" and ended in a splits.

Everyone applaud as I stood up and walked over to the girls.

"Wow well looks like we gotta tough choice here ladies." Coach said clapping her hands

"Well we can only have one captain so Zendaya congratulations, you are now the new captain of our East Riverwoods cheer team." Coach finished off followed by an applause from the other cheerleaders.

"What?! I'm captain, I've always been captain" Nikki fumes.

"Dude, chill you lost just except it" Mani replied

"Oh shut it I'm surprised your ass even made it" She snapped causing Mani to scoff.

"And you, don't think for a second I'm gonna let you get away with this." she continued towards me.

"You know as your new captain I really don't like your attitude, and I suggest you change that considering I can sit you out." I fired back smirking, causing Nikki to glare and storm off the field.

"You just had to one up her didnt you" Dinah laughed as her and mani walked up to me. I just chuckled as we all walked back to the car.

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