Chapter 2 - Bad Boys

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Chapter 2 – Bad Boys

With the attractive boy pressed against my body, I can't seem to find my voice to tell him to get off of me and leave me alone. He smirks as my face heats up and I gulp from his wrist pressed against my neck, his fingers still lightly clutching my face.

I breathe shakily through my nose when the guy doesn't take his body off of mine, not daring myself to open my mouth because he's close enough to stick his tongue inside, and I'm not taking any chances. By the looks of him, I think he would actually consider kissing a total stranger.

"I asked you a question, Princess," the boy spits, his once bored hazel eyes now wild with a hunger for power and for me to be afraid. "And when I ask questions, I expect you to answer them."

"Leave me alone," I hiss back, the words escaping my lips without my consent.

The boy glares at me. "I can't do that, not when you interrupt my business like that."

"Why are you mean?" I find myself asking, not being able to break my gaze from the boys face, his eyes tearing into me.

He smiles. "You think I'm mean? That's so cute."

I try to calm myself, but even though I'm terrified of this guy, the feeling of his hot body against mine is almost irresistible. I haven't met many guys like this; in fact, I've never met someone like the boy at all.

"I'm being nice to you," he tells me, furrowing his eyebrows. "Trust me, you would be a lot worse off if I left you with Drew."

I remember the blonde haired boy from just before, and how he was the one saying and doing all of those bad things to the kid. He did it for fun. The guy with his body pressed against mine now looks like someone who would have a reason for everything. And if he can think of a reason other than to bully someone because they're different, I think he's insane.

"You're not nice," I say, but it comes out more as a whisper. "All of that talk is rubbish."

The boy laughs again, creating beautiful smile lines that I just want to lightly slide my fingers over. "Rubbish?" He asks in an accent, backing away from me. His hands move up to my shoulders before I can think of running, and he leans into me. "What are you, British?"

I snort. "What are you, racist?"

He furrows his eyebrows. "That's not racist. But I can tell you exactly what you are." I raise my eyebrows and the boy grins. "You're fucking stereotypical. What do I look like to you?" I open my mouth to say something, but I can't. "Come on now, say it. I know you're thinking it."

I shrug, not wanting to answer because I have no idea how to describe him other than mean, cold, bitter, and purely evil.

"I'm guessing you don't know who I am?" He looks at me in surprise, and I shake my head. "Are you new here?"

I shake my head again. He has no right to know anything about me. What is he trying to do anyway? Make me believe that he's not totally one of the rudest people I've run into, literally? Because whatever his plan is, getting deep down and personal with me just isn't going to end well.

"Are you sure?" The boy asks, acting as if I'm stupid. "I'm sure I would have noticed you before because..."

I scrunch my nose and interrupt him. "Let me guess. It's because I'm so beautiful, right?" I joke, and the boy actually laughs at me. I have never had someone find me amusing before, and I never want the feeling to leave.

"That," the boy smirks, making me blush. I try my best not to fall in love with him right on the spot, and unwillingly deny his charm. "And you probably would have run into me before and shoved me. We would have been in this situation a long time ago, and you would be dead by now."

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