Chapter 11 - Don't Belong

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Chapter 11 – Don't Belong

"Jack?" I gasp, moving further away from Ryker, and closer to Jack. He backs away shaking his head, confusion filling his eyes. "Jack," I say again, my voice shaky. So many thoughts run through my head as I think of Jack breaking up with me all because of Ryker. "Jack, I, I didn't mean to, I just..."

"Jessie, what the hell?" Jack hollers, dropping his things for football on the floor. "What are doing in here, with him?"

I begin to answer but Ryker cuts me off, "maybe she wouldn't be here with me if you treated her like your girlfriend. You were never one to be able to keep the ladies to yourself for long now, were you? You always did something to make them want someone else."

Jack gets a few words in that I do not understand before I interrupt him. "Wait!" I scream, "What the heck is happening? What are you talking about? How do you even know each other?"

Jack glances over at me. "You seriously don't know what he did?"

"Maybe you'd like to tell her what you did, Jack," Ryker suggest, smoothing down his hair with his hands. He smiles a sick smile, and then crosses his arms. "You know, last night?"

"Last night?" I ask Jack.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Jack hisses.

Ryker raises an eyebrow, "oh, at that party last night? Doesn't it bring back any memories? Maybe I can help." Ryker laughs, "you know, the blonde girl that you took back to her house last night? I mean, damn, she was hot, but did you forget you had a girlfriend? Because she," Ryker points at me, "can get any guy she wants."

"Is it true?" I turn back to Jack, walking closer to him.

"Of course not!" He yells, "Ryker is a maniac! Don't you know what he did?" I nod my head and Jack goes on. "Babe, I wouldn't do that to you. You have to believe me. This asshole is just trying to ruin my life even more. He doesn't care about you. He doesn't take pleasure in kissing you; he just wants to screw with me! Isn't that right?"

Jack looks over at Ryker and he shrugs, acknowledging Jack's statement. My heart drops a little, and I can't look Ryker in the eyes.

"Babe," Jack makes me come closer and pulls me into a hug. "How could you do this to me? I love you."

"He doesn't love you!" Ryker hisses, "he fucking cheated on you!"

"No, he didn't!" I yell back, actually believing Jack. "He's actually a nice person! Now leave me the hell alone, you asshole, and stop trying to ruin everyone's lives! Even if he did cheat, at least he's not a rapist!"

Ryker doesn't yell back at me, but instead there's a silence, and he looks down at the ground. "I'm not a rapist," he states quietly.

"You fucking are," Jack grunts, "and a mental patient."

My eyes catch Ryker's right away. He's mentally disabled? What the heck is Jack talking about? Ryker's eyes don't leave mine until he drops his head to whisper, "I'm not a mental patient. I'm not a rapist, and I would never cheat on my girlfriend!"

"You're sick!" Jack says furiously, picking up his football stuff. "Come on babe, we can talk about this after."

Jack goes out of the room and expects me to follow him, but I take one more look at Ryker, and it's enough time for him to add, "it's nice to know all of those things you think about me, but did you honestly think I was interested in you?"

I sigh heavily, letting a tear fall out of my eye, and spin around to follow Jack out of the locker room, leaving Ryker all by himself. He's a mental patient? That could explain the whole rape thing, and how he didn't understand what was going on, but I would never have guessed. I don't even know if I do believe it.

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