Chapter 10 - Lying and cheating

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Chapter 10 –  Lying and cheating

My mom and Mr. Thompson are out when Jack comes to pick me up, so instead of him coming inside to meet the people he will probably never give a crap about, I get straight into his car and we go to the tournament.

I've never been much of a sports fan, but I'd honestly do anything to get Ryker's disgusting comments off of my mind. Although Jack seems like someone who has a lot of experience with girls too, I'm sure he would be more mature about it instead of talking about eating me out when we barely even know each other.

And as we sit in the stands, drinking Pepsi and eating fries, my feelings for Jack change a little. He does seem to be a good guy, and I was probably just over exaggerating the other night. He's very passionate about things, and it's obvious he really, really enjoys hockey. I'm not sure if you can love a sport too much, but if you can, Jack definitely loves hockey way too much.

"Oh come on!" He yells when his friend almost scores on the net but some guy shoves him out of the way. Instead of having a reaction like Jack's, I jump a little at how hard the guy gets hit.

Jack actually notices unfortunately, and I quickly look away from him to hide my embarrassment. Instead of mocking me for freaking out about his favorite sport, Jack throws his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in a little closer.

"Jess," he laughs, "it's okay! He's not hurt."

I snuggle into him, and he takes my hand in his other hand, lacing his fingers with mine, and I feel connected. "He isn't?"

Jack shakes his head, squeezing my hand. "Nope! Look at all that padding. Hockey is a rough sport. The guys get shoved around a lot and slammed into the rink's boards. Did you think they were all actually that fat, babe?"

"Babe?" I smile.

"We are counting this as a date, aren't we?" Jack asks, his hand rubbing my shoulder. I blush a little, and Jack laughs loudly. "I'm guessing that's a yes? Then is it okay if I call you babe?"

I nod my head, but I'm sure he could have come up with something a little more original. But I guess babe works, and it does make me feel kind of special. I feel even more special when Jack's friend finally scores, winning the game just as it ends, and Jack doesn't jump up screaming. Instead, he unlinks his hand from mine and touches my face lightly, pressing his lips against my lips.

I willingly accept his mouth against mine, my stomach fluttering. I'm seventeen years old and this is my first actual kiss. I can't believe all that I've missed out on. The feeling racing through my body is amazing. But unfortunately kissing isn't like in the movies, where everything is shut out and all you can focus on is the other person.

No, it's not like that at all. It is amazing, but I can hear people cheering so loudly that I barely notice Jack tug me closer and wrap his other arm around me as he speeds up the kiss. I pull away right as this happens, because I think hardcore making out in public is inappropriate.

Jack smiles down at me, and we both look back to the rink and begin cheering for the team, especially this friend of Jack's. There is so much screaming, so I don't open my mouth because it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Instead I look up at my date and smile to myself. He notices my and laughs, picking me up into his arms, kissing me again. I snicker into his mouth and fold my hands around his neck. This feeling is pretty amazing, and I can't get enough of it.

After everything dies down and people begin leaving, Jack and I go down the players' locker room to greet his friend, and possible introduce me. The room is so hot and stinks so bad, but I pretend not to notice when I follow Jack inside.

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