Chapter 14 - Michigan Twin Bed

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Chapter 14 – Michigan Twin Bed

The taxi drops me off at the end of Ryker's laneway because I actually didn't have enough money to pay him, so he refused to drive me all the way up. I get why he might be upset, but I'm a woman, and I deserve to be treated like one.

But I've never been treated much like someone who should be respected or at least taken care of. The taxi driver makes me get out in this freezing cold weather after I walked around in the cold for an hour before looking for a job, and now I have to walk down a long laneway when it literally would have taken the driver less than a minute to take me right to my destination.

I don't even thank him once I get it out, and instead slam the door and begin walking away from that prick and his damn smelly cab. He drives off without any hesitation though, and if there were people around I think they would think I made quite an extravagant and dramatic scene, and it makes me proud.

I laugh at myself and begin running down the laneway because my ass is freezing, but I probably look like an overweight Chihuahua with too short of legs carrying a load triple it's weight with my fat coat and heavy backpack.

But as Jen said Ryker was being moody, I can rightly assume he's lying in his bed and feeling sorry for himself, so I don't worry about him peering out of the window and seeing me. He would make fun me for the rest of my life, not like I'm planning to know him for the rest of my life.

I finally reach the home when my face is probably completely red and I'm panting so hard it feels like I'm clawing at my throat from the inside. But all is well, and I make myself at home by welcoming myself into the house without knocking.

"Anyone home?" I yell and drop my bag on the floor, and as I'm taking off my boots, Jake comes into the hallway, smiling politely like the little gentleman he is.

"Hey, Jessie," he says, "can I hang up your coat for you?"

I smile, and hand the sweetheart my coat, and follow him into the kitchen where he just throws it over a chair. I laugh, ruffling his hair, and he encages me in his arms right away. "Thank you for being here Jessie," he mutters, laying his head on my chest. "I think I'm in love with you."

I entangle him from me and step back a little, giggling. "Jake," I say, "Don't love someone until you have to, or until you're sure she's the right one. I recently found out my boyfriend was cheating on me, when I was hoping he could love me."

Jake shrugs. "Yeah, girls are too needy anyway."

I burst out laughing, but Jake hardly finds it funny. So I stop, and change the subject by asking him, "Jake, where's Ryker? Is he in his room?" He nods, and walks over to the fridge where he pulls out a sandwich.

"My mom made this for him this morning, but he wouldn't eat it so she put it back in the fridge. I guess he didn't come up during the day to get it, but he needs food." I smile as Jake takes the saran wrap off of the sandwich and hands it to me. "You can take it down to him. I am not going down again. He's a mess."

I smile, "okay," and take the plate from Jake's hands.

I begin walking to the staircase and Jake yells after me, "and if he won't eat it, I want it."

"Okay again."

I go down the staircase as I've done a few times before, and quietly walk into Ryker's room, closing the door behind me to block out all light. I wish he would open a window for light or to let in some fresh air, but I think I should only take baby steps by at least making him eat a little food.

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