Chapter 3 - Truth

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Chapter 3 – Truth

The bell finally rings, and everyone gets up to leave the classroom.

I'm almost done my Spanish paragraph for class so I stay seated, working away at it so that I don't have to do it at home. God knows if I'll even have time to do it at home. My mom will probably make me make food for guests or they'll be too loud for me to concentrate. I never know what's going to happen at my house, so I'm not taking any chances.

It's fine. I'm almost done.

"Jessie," Mrs. Stewart says, and I look up, realizing that she's the only one still in the classroom. "You can get to your next class now, you know that, right?"

I nod, "it's just down the hallway, I believe. I'm almost done this."

"Okay," she smiles, picking up her books and leaving. "Just make sure you're not late."

I nod again. I really am trying my best here. I can't exactly rebel against my mom in high school by not doing my work; because the next place she'll send me to is boarding school. Even though I'm sure boarding school would be more welcoming than my own home, I'd rather not have to move again.

So I keep writing, every thirty seconds checking the time. I have ten minutes between each class, so I think I'll be fine with getting to my next classroom on time.

I finish my paragraph six minutes before the bell should ring; so I get up, ready to leave.

"Good, you're still here!" A voice comes from the door, where the owner flicks the light off and closes the door behind him, locking it.

I gasp, still being able to see Ryker's face from the light shining through the windows from the gloomy sky outside. He doesn't smile at me, or give any sign that he's happy. Obviously, he's the exact opposite.

"It wasn't my fault the principal wanted to walk with you," I say as he begins coming over to me, an upset expression on his face. "Why does it matter anyway? You got out of class, and you obviously didn't want to be here, especially with me. Come on. Don't kill me."

Ryker shakes his head instead of stabbing me with a pencil and grabs my waist, picking me up. He sits me on the desk and moves in between my legs, holding onto my hips so that I don't try to squirm away. The scary thing is I don't want to. I like how his hands feel against me, and this is the furthest I've gone with a guy – willingly.

Still, I tremble as he breathes onto my face, close enough again to kiss me.

"For the last time," he sighs, his breath tickling my nose. "I'm not going to kill you. I'd rather not go to jail. But if you don't stop irritating me, I might just have to deal with you the way I deal with everyone else that makes me angry. I won't enjoy that, trust me, but I'm not bluffing. You're here for a little over an hour and you're already annoying me. Please stop."

"I'm not doing it on purpose," I whisper, trying my best not to freak out.

He groans. "That's even worse."

"So what are you doing now? Making yourself clearer to me?"

He squeezes his hands together, clutching onto the little fat that I have on my body. "You could say that!" He growls, coming even closer, his chest against mine. "But this is nothing. You'll find out later what I'm really going to do to make myself clearer."

Is this really what happens to people in high school? They meet a hot guy, he ends up being really rude but the sexual tension between you is immense? If so, I'm never sending my children to high school. This is stupid. I hate it.

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