Epilogue - Acceptance

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Epilogue - Acceptance

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Epilogue - Acceptance

A cool palm covers my forehead. My eyes flicker open to Sebastian, checking to see if I have a fever. I laugh and hit his hand away. "Just tired, big brother," I rub my eyes, and snuggle back into the warm covers, "not sick. What are you doing?" 

"Paris and I are going out to find a proper rug for your living room," he smiles, standing back up. He combs his fingers through his nearly black, slicked back hair. "This apartment actually isn't too bad," he mumbles, looking around my room to see what needs improvement. I laugh. "You're planning on staying here a while, right?" 

I shrug. "I suppose. I haven't planned anything for after high school? I'll be staying here until then I guess," I sigh. "If they'll even let me back to school after leaving for 2 weeks. If I can pay my rent." 

Sebastian grins. "As long as you don't end up in prison like I did. And don't worry about money, Dad put a downpayment for the next few months. We just want you to get better. I know your mom and you didn't have the best relationship, but you grew up with her. It must be hard knowing she's gone. Whatever you need, we're here for you." 

I nod and sit up. "I know. I think, I just need to talk to someone."

He nods too. "Okay. Well, you can start now. Ryker is coming over." 

I jump up. "What?" 

"You two belong together, Jessie," he sighs, "I'm sorry that I told him to come before asking you. But I see how you are together. You both have struggled with the pain of your past and you just understand each other. Ryker is my best friend—" he laughs and speaks louder, "well, besides Paris." There's a giggle on the other side of my bedroom door. 

I smile happily. 

Sebastian grins. "I can read him like a book. He misses the heck out of you. And leaving you like that is tearing him apart. He's not that type of person. He got defensive. I, he'll, just please talk to him?" Sebastian glances at me worriedly. 

I nod. "I love him, Bastian. I haven't known him very long, so I assumed maybe everything was a lie. But if he really wants to see me again, then," I plop back down, "I want him to come. Thank you for helping me."

He grins. "We'll get through this together, okay? We're all here for you. Dad, my mom, Paris, Ryker's family, your friends—they've been worried sick. Please don't leave us. We need you in our lives, Jessie. You're very important."

My eyes water. I believe him, it's just so hard to feel belonging after not feeling it for seventeen years. Paris peaks her inside the room. "I love you, Jessie," she mumbles. 

"Love you too, kiddo," I giggle and get out of the bed. I kneel down by Paris and hug her. "I'm sorry, again. I'm sure Bastian took good care of you, but I won't leave you, hun. Okay?" She nods into the crook of my neck and I kiss her head. "How's kindergarten?"

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