Chapter 13 - Forgive Me

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Chapter 13 – Forgive Me

Sidney and I left the party too quickly to tell anyone else what happened, and I hope Grace doesn't think I stole her boyfriend for the night. I mean I did, but only so he could drive me to see my boyfriend at the hospital.

We're now sitting in the clean, white waiting room, waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us what happened with the guys. I mean I know exactly what happened, but I need to know if they're going to be okay. Sidney is only worried about Ryker, and he goes on and on about he better not get into major trouble and have to leave him when he's sent off to juvy like their friend Sebastian.

"How long does this usually take?" I hear Sidney ask the lady he's sitting beside. I glance over and the woman looks clueless, and a little annoyed by Sidney. "You know, how long do I have to wait?"

She shrugs and goes back to reading her Cosmopolitan magazine, and Sidney looks back to me. "Well, you know Jessie," he smiles like were not sitting in a freaking hospital because people are hurt. "This is actually nice, considering what's going on. We get to bond."

I raise and eyebrow, "I don't even know you."

Sidney shrugs, "but you know Ryker, and Ryker likes you. And you like him, and I know because who makes out with a random guy in the guys locker room at school if she's not even a little into him? That's right, no one."

I groan, rubbing my forehead. So he did know. Screw my life, screw high school, and screw Ryker and all of his friends. Sidney laughs at me, and I punch his arm. "I don't like him," I explain, "he came onto me. And it barely lasted more than a few seconds." Sidney tries his best not to smile because he knows that's not true. I pout, "okay, I'm lying, but I don't like him. And he sure as hell doesn't like me."

The lady sitting beside Sidney gives me a scolding look when she hears me swear, so I smile sweetly, and lean into Sidney to whisper, "he did it to make Jack angry. He knew Jack would be there so he made me kiss him to get to Jack because they hate each other, I mean obviously. They probably tried killing each other, that's why they're here."

"Yeah, most likely."

I sigh, "Ryker doesn't care about me, and even if I had any feelings for him when I kissed him, they totally vanished after I knew what he was doing. Did he tell you about that? How he used me? Huh?"

"No," Sidney admits. "I'm sorry. He's an asshole. But I'm nice. Promise."

I laugh, nodding my head sarcastically.

A nurse comes through the doors at the front of the room and walks up to Sidney and I before I can say anything else about how bad Ryker is. "Are you family members of Ryker Knight?"

We shake our heads. "No," Sidney says, "his parents are coming as soon as possible, but I'm his best friend. Can I come in? How is he?"

"You can come in but he hasn't woken yet," the nurse says as we follow her out of the room and into a hospital hallway. I'm not even here to see Ryker, but I want to know if he'll be okay. "But he should be okay. He had a severe blow to the head when it hit the sidewalk, so he definitely has a major concussion, and possibly amnesia."

"What?" Sidney growls, "I thought you said everything should be okay? How is that okay?"

"I said possibly," the lady says.

"Aren't you supposed to know?"

"We will when he wakes up," the nurse responds, "for now, you just have to wait patiently at his bed side, alright? We had him on medication, and anesthesia because he gained consciousness while we were taking a test and began asking for you, so he's down for longer than he would have been earlier, and he'll be weak when he wakes, but we're almost sure he'll make a full recovery in a few weeks."

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