Chapter 7

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MASSIVE THANKS TO @lessthan3jbiebz who has helped with the editing of each chapter so far :) love you rosiee


For the first time since I can remember, I woke up on my own; nobody yelling at me to get up. No crying three-year olds. No sun forcing me to get up. No alarm to annoy me.

I glanced over at Heather's bed, which was empty and already done. Rose was gone as well. I looked at her clock, and it was near noon. Is this a dream? I think it's the first time in my life I've ever slept in. It feels wonderful.

I stretched and rolled off the couch, quietly going down the steps and walking into the living area. I got attacked by my two little tornadoes and fell to the ground, laughing.

I got back up and chased after Jonathan and Jordyn, as they squealed in excitement. I caught them and tickled them to the ground.

"Someone's a late sleeper," Rose laughed, as she knelt down next to me to join the tickle fight.

"Honestly, I don't sleep this late. I usually get woken up by something." I explained, getting up and pulling Jonathan in my arms, hugging him tight.

He squirmed to get out of my arms- he's more of an independent child. Jordyn's the exact opposite of him personality-wise, but as for their looks, it's obvious they're twins.

"Guys I made brunch for the whole lot! Come and eat up!" Heather called, poking her head out of the kitchen.

We all rushed to the table and I helped the kids fill their plates with breakfast potatoes, pancakes, fruit salad and Canadian bacon strips.

We basically attacked our plates- we were all starving.

When we were done, I volunteered to clean the dishes, and so did Rose. Heather brought the kids to the living area to entertain them.

"So, Rose, do you have a boyfriend?" I asked to start up a conversation.

"Yeah" she answered dreamily. "His name's Kyle"

"Oohhh Rosiee!" I nudged her shoulder, causing her to blush. "How long have you been going out?"

"Eight months. It's going great" she smiled happily.

I was happy for her- she really deserved a good boyfriend. And from what she described, he's amazing for her.

Rose is quieter than Heather, but it's obvious they're best friends. They basically have the same personality.

Rose isn't that shy, she's almost as outgoing as Heather. She's more of a listener than a talker, and she gives great advice, just like Liam. She's also really funny, and one of the sweetest people I've met in my life.

After we were done with the dishes, we made our way back to the living area and sat down on the couch with Heather while the twins played some kids' board game.

"Abbie, I wanna see Liam and Louis and the other boys. Can we go?" Jordyn asked suddenly. Jonathan nodded his head, smiling hopefully at me.

"Louis and Liam? Who are they?" Heather asked, perking up as she recognized the boys' names.

"They're my cousin's friends... And sure, Jojo, how about we go now?" I proposed, looking at Heather and Rose.

"Aww leaving so soon? You'll have to come back later then!" Heather whined, getting up from her seat.

"Well why don't you guys come with me? I don't really feel like being the only girl with a bunch of teenage lads" I proposed.

"Really? You're inviting us to come too? Are they hot?" Heather asked, her hands flying up to her hair to fix them.

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