Chapter 10

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Abbie's POV - a week later.

It's been a week since I've moved in with the boys. It's been fairly nice, except for Monday, when I started cleaning, and Tuesday, when it took me the entire day to do the laundry. It was a challenge trying to muck out their rooms and getting the smell out. How they could live in that stench was beyond me.  

For example, in Harry's room, I found a box with a rotting half-eaten pizza still inside. It was so gross I nearly threw up my breakfast. The dirtiest room by far was Louis', and the cleanest was Niall's, since we had cleaned it up a bit on Saturday when he was about to move to Louis' room.

While I worked, the twins would play around the house and outside in the snow; I didn't have to worry much about them, they obeyed me pretty well, and there was a fence around the yard outside, so they were safe there.

The rest of the week was calm; I did the dishes, vacuumed, and dusted the house.

Niall had moved to Louis' room; they had dragged one of the beds in the twins' room to Louis'. All his stuff had been moved also.

On Sunday, Zayn and Louis dragged me to the mall to buy some clothes and toiletries for me and Jordyn and Jonathan. Once they figured out what size of clothing I wore, they ran around the place like chickens with their head chopped off, consulting each other on what would look good on me. I refused to try anything on for them to buy it. I insisted on just going to the thrift store.  

"Ohh, Abbie look at this dress! It would be so gorgeous on you for the summer! I want to see what it looks like on you, go try it on!" Louis ran up to me, holding a beige dress with a floral print on it. I'll admit, it was very cute, but the price tag stopped me.

"No, Louis! I just want to go back to the thrift store, this stuff is too expensive!" I whined, taking the dress from his hands and placing it back where he took it. 

"No it's not! It's on sale!" he argued, taking it back. 

"Lou, I'm serious!" 

Zayn popped up then, taking the dress from the rack and adding it to the pile of clothes he carried before walking over to the cashier and paying for the whole load. This went on in every store they dragged me to, much to my dismay.

By the time we got out of the mall, they had bought me enough clothes to dress the whole city of London, probably. I didn't even need a quarter of what they bought!

They had also gotten bunches of clothes for my brother and sister, which made me feel bad. They were spending too much on us.

When we got back to the house, the lads set up their new laptop that Zayn got while we were at the mall. Turns out Niall had broken their old one Saturday night. 

"What happened?" I laughed, poking Niall in the cheek. "You were being clumsy?" 

All the boys looked at each other awkwardly, and Harry cleared his throat. 

"Yeah, he had it on his lap and he forgot it was there, and he... er... got up and it fell" he hesitated between the words. 

I gave him a suspicious look but dropped the subject, changing the topic. 

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