The meeting

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I stood straight, proud, fierce yet with an hidden vulnerability. My father was about to annonce my future.

I wasn't my father's only child but it was my turn; and although I would try to convince him otherwise; in less then three months I would be married.

Weariness weighed on my heart.

-" Understand me my sweet child, I am seeing to your future. Do not resist me nor my will. I only see to your welfare and the continuity of our family. " My father stated.

-" I never questioned your intention as to assure a bright future for myself ..but father I do not know the man !! , I cried pointing the obvious

- " It will be alright ! " , he said to me in a softer tone. " This is the way of the world and we , your late mother and I went through the same process. We trusted our parents that their choice for us were the best." Lowing his eye as he said those words because frankly his wife fought the ideal as a future bride but Laure didn't need to know that. "Look what the Lord granted me , a beautiful child  evidence of our love ! "

- " Yes of course father..but time has change ! Men are not as responsible ! Home is but a burden in their view and..

- " No Laure ! " , he cut me, "Surely you would not believe I will entrust my most valuable to a scandalous Lord ? " , his eyes narrowed on me as in  to defy him again his motive. " In fact there is nothing to discuss, you will meet your future husband tonight.

My eye widen and my mouth became dry as my heartbeat quicken  ; panic rising like the sun going to his zenith.

-" Well father ", bowing lightly, "I need to get ready !"

I was surprised how steady my voice sounded for my heart dribbled like a ball. I turned abruptly and flee my father's library.

I didn't know it then but my father stared at me as I left the room sadden by my reaction to his proposal. Yet he didn't stop me , he couldn't stop me.

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