Not too young

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Right at this moment the atmosphere changed and Luke heart started to beat faster. Could she hear ? The way she was looking at him..her small hand had relax in his..her eye had somehow became warmer him. And for a second he could picture her in his bed..loving wife waiting for him ...
Now this..whatever was happening , never happened to him.

-"What say you ? " he whispered, his voice was strange to him..too soft, too endearing..too eager for her response

She didn't answer..yet and suddenly she approached him. All his body reacted to her closeness. She smelled warmth..fresh.
He couldnt help but hold his breath..dear God if she touches me now..control is not an option. Whatever that was would claim her..claim her heart.

-"You honnor me my Lord. I will be loyal to you.
But there it was..she did touched him, loyal she said. Why would she use those specific word. Does she even know what THAT meant to him.

Hope is an island unreachable sometimes.

-" Loyal, you say. You are quite young to use such verb.
-"Care you say . You are quite oldfashioned to use such verb. she reply softly

A slow smile appeared on his lips.
-" You honor me milady.
And an ideal came to him..
-" Let seal this.
-" How do you propose we do ?
-" Kiss me Laure ..

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