This how you will know

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It was late but we couldnt sleep.
Neither her or me would admit it !
I come from a wealthy family so much so only the Duke knows the situation.
I slowly drank my habit not fit for a king but now I could indulge.. I got engage..looking at my "ring", smiling.

My mother use to say : "Life is made of such , but the precious gift of God is love. To love and be love make much worth it. If you can find love. As for me I wasn't so fortunate. "
Anger filled my heart. Because of father..


"Alice?! Lilly !!" , where can they be . Swiftly the door open and they had her dress ready. It was almost 9 o'clock father would be so annoyed.

After a while she got down the stair for breakfast. Some very close friends had decided to sleep at the house ..and Luke did too.
What does he like in the morning ? She smiled to herself ..alright it is silly but this is how I will know.

I was announced and came in to a smaller, more casual room but the glorious morning light transformed the room. There he was..already ? Early bird aren't we ? Reading the morning paper..very manly, hair still wet , awake yet calm, observant..pensive. She frowned something was the matter she could sense it although his posture was casual.

He lifted his head our eyes meet and he tender so sweet, yet sad.
I smiled back questioning him silently.
He turned answering a question his neighbor asked

I sat down and tea was serve to me.

Possibility of loveWhere stories live. Discover now