You never told me

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"How can I explain..without sounding childish.. Why isn't he saying anything? " Tears on the verge of flowing..


- "Your Grace", exclaimed softly Luke but firmly to my father, "Refrain your scolding. I remember her from my childhood but she can't. Plus she had no knowledge of your plan for her..Neither the magnitude of the engagement. You can not possibly be that hard on her. "

I didn't lift my eye nor said a word. My love had come to my rescue..lifted my shame. Luke's father said not a word but observed his son.

Luke finally moved from beside his father and approached me as I stood there, livid with anger yet near tearing.

-" Laure..",he called me softly as he approached me, " Do not be afraid", leaning in such a way to grasp my attention.

I could sense her anger and something else.. I haven't said anything. How could I ? If she was to be my wife, she ought to know how calculating and unkind our family could be.

But there it was again..tenderness, filled my heart for her ...I couldn't stop it..I didn't really want too.

She in fact resides at a soft spot..she came in , unaware perhaps but there it was she had awaken in me..dare I say it?

She stood proud and resigned to not reply to her father although he did her the offense by scolding her in front of me.

But she was determined ..because of what ? I wonder..and I suddenly remembered our vows, as I look at her finger..

I looked down on my own finger, the softness of the wool ring reminder of our exchange.

She finally looked at me a mixed of pride, anger...and, and... gratitude ?

- " Our fathers made an agreement for us to be married. Indeed my mother left to me her legacy which is the access to the throne. Father is but a cold hearted man, don't mind him. But somewhat he speaks the truth. However I will not take you if you do not want me..with all its burden that is.

My dear mother suffered under father's pressure of perfection" , his eye sadden, " After her death, he send me here..where you were yet too young to even understand what was happening. Do not blame your father for wanted "this" for you.

But I will not force your hand spite of their aspiration.

I have seeing mother suffer..I can't have you go through the same thing and die before your time."

He suddenly if overwhelmed by memories and pursue to leave the room.

I stood there livid..confused yet again.

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