Walk with me

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-"Of course Lord Noreweelch please do come at the propriety. There are plenty of horse you can ride. I should say I am soon to be married it might have to wait until after.." the people started to laugh lightly.

-"But of course ! Never easy marriage..you know.
The "poor" man had such a bad reputation it was an outrage for him to even imply such  things.

-"Although I understand, for my part, I choose to remain hopeful. If one is responsible..take cares of his woman, like the commonwealth say, surely it can work.."

-You are still young Luke , can I call you Luke ?" , not waiting for the answer, " A wife can be demanding at time... Space to oneself is still very important. But thank God I have yet to have children..indeed I find it to be.."

-"I love children. Luke answered coldly

-"More coffee My Grace ?
-"Yes please , answered the Duke.

And just then did the poor man realize my father's presence and the ..unbelief expression on his face. Quickly put his head down ..and ate..
And of course right then I needed to cough. I have been trying to hold in that laughter since this silly conversation started.

-"Are you alright dear child ? Quickly bring water !
Luke got up took the water off the servant hand and came near me.
All this commotion but truly I just needed to laugh. My father's expression was priceless

-"Come Laure let's take some air , we both looked at father and he shook his head in approval.

We just step in the little balcony while I took my breath. Once sure we were alone..we both started to laugh!
So exquisite that we could share a laugh..that he knew ..he just knew.
We both slowly stop after describing father horrific face at the man's words..while I was still wiping my tears..he had stopped still smiling looking at me in awe..or contentment.

-"Come walk with me
And we walked back to the breakfast room; not without Luke taking my hand and kiss it..letting go but still lingeringly close, touching my hand slightly..

ooOouf butterfly in my stomach

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