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We haven't talked for three days now..was he upset with me? Did I do something wrong ? I grew so much to..know him. We are so alike yet different.

Our talk never boring always brought a deeper connection between us. His affection ..was clear yet discrete.

One day , having a chaperon there is not so much you can do, we were sitting throwing bread at bird ..and slowly he putted his hand on my mine.

How can I explain, it calmed and excited me at once. Understand me I'm not this sorta of lady of easy manner..

A lady.. like one should be that is me..but that day I was thinking of his warmth..his weight..his strength..his softness..yet rough..yet manly.

And whatever made me a woman..awaken. Innocence still there but..a woman full knowing of her power to attract and subdue..that ..that awaken in me...and my breath fasten somehow..

I'm sure I became red..or maybe my eyes became like honey..because he stared at me. He stared at love ?

Sigh..don't awaken love daughters..unless it so desire. Do you know that quote?

"Laure Elizabeth !! Open this door at once !" ,I heard Father

I almost fell of my bed..dear God!

Possibility of loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt