Preparation for life

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Dear Anna,

As you probably know by now I am engaged!

At first I was so anxious and fearful of it all. But Luke..I don't know, there is just something about him..Right! This is about that time. He courted me as expected.

We need a chaperon wherever we go.

He seemed to be in a light mood..more silent then talkative. As for me I would talk about this and that but still trying to understand him, read him..know him.

My life is about to change drastically.. I can sense that. Well I am not the first to get married..but what say you? Did you feel the same ? I should think I will enjoy being married..there is a shy but a noticeable complicity growing between us. Sigh..I get butterfly each time he enters the room..I dare ask..Is this love?

Closeness is inevitable at this point but I needed some reassurance.

A sign that I can trust this..

Yet sometimes he can still be cold but each time we see each other he seemed to relaxed..soften. I like that I could do that.

As we exchanges..oh did I tell you? Sometimes he brings me to recital of violin and piano. It is so exquisite... So beautiful..yet he is the one that makes it worthwhile. He is different from others that courted me..more attentive..more of a man. I like that...

Soon I need to see for a dress..and mother not being there..Franckly I need to see for a lot of things. When can you come?

I wish you were here, I miss you terribly!


Your sister


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