escorting a bum

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Naruto P.O.V

We were all walking through the woods to the land of waves . Sasuke was walking with his hands in his pockets .
I leant over to him to whisper to him .
" Hey what do you think of this guy we're escorting?" I said Sasuke gave the guy a small side glance .
" He's a drunkard, looks like he's old enough to have a grandchild, most likely a boy. His wife is probably died or just left him and that's probably why he drinks so much  and probably had a daughter as well. His daughter probably got married, then husband died, and now she most likely lives in solitude " he said making me raise an eyebrow .
" How much you wanna bet your right " I asked smirking at him. He gave me a side glance then smiled at me .
" Fine then, if I'm right about 75% of what I said you must give me 150 ryo " he said and smiled .
" Deal, if your wrong then you have to take me to ichiraku ramen and pay for my meal " I said and we shook hands to solidify the deal .

We kept walking to the land of waves and things were getting boring .
Suddenly I saw a puddle in the middle of the road. Wait it hasn't rained these past few weeks, so how is there a puddle .
I stopped walking and Sasuke also stopped walking.
" Come on guys, why did you stop ?" Sakura asked looking back at us .
" Wait Kakashi, I don't think this is a good idea " I said. Just as he was gonna say something two men came out of the puddle and wrapped him around in chains. He struggled for awhile, until they tightened the chains around Kakashi and he suddenly burst into pieces right in front of us .
We all watched in shock as chunks of his body fell to the floor .
Me and Sasuke immediately took action and went to attack the guys . Sakura got in front of Tazuna to protect him from any attacks .

Sasuke slid under their legs tripping them and making them fall. Then me and my shadow clone appeared in the air and fell and landed on their stomachs making them both gasp for air. Just then as they got up, they flung their chains at us .
Sasuke directed the chains to hit a tree then pinned the chains to the tree using a kunai .
I then ran to them and kicked them both in the face and Sasuke showed up to finish them off .
When Kakashi appeared again and put both of the men in a headlock. We all gasped as we saw him standing before us alive .
We looked to where his body used to be and saw pieces of wood on the floor .
Kakashi took the two men deep into the forest where we couldn't hear them talking about something. So I decided to follow to see what this was all about .

Kakashi. P.O.V

I dragged the two guys into the forest and dumped their bodies on the floor in front of me . I did some hand signs .
" knowledge seeker jutsu " I said, and suddenly blue smoke appeared out of my hands and went into the men's bodies. Suddenly I could see all the information they knew .
" Ok, so you work for a leader... But you don't know who that leaders name is...wait what how could this this makes no sense...this is a very dangerous mission...but why didn't he just make it a higher rank " I said as I came back to reality . I heard a twig snap behind me and threw kunai at the noise . I turned around to find Naruto with the kunai I threw in his hands .
" What was that ?" He asked me looking at me then at the two demon brothers .
" My knowledge seeker jutsu, allows me to get information from enemies in seconds " I said .
" let's go " I said and we both walked out the forest to find that the others have set up camp .

I jumped up into a tree to help protect the others .
Naruto created about 30 shadow clones and they all spread out to patrol .

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