The End

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" Sasuke, why are you ignoring me?" Naruto asked. Sasuke just gave him a death glare to back off.
" Fine then, be like that " Naruto said and walked off.

Time skip

" Kushimi, I just don't know what's up with the guy?" He said sighing at the end. Kushimi thought for a second before speaking.
" Maybe he's just going through a phase " she said. Naruto let out a breath.
" I hope so "

Time skip a few days later

" Sasuke !! I was calling for your help in that mission, why didn't you help?!" Naruto shouted at him. Sasuke glared daggers at him making him flinch.
Sasuke stormed off home.

Time skip 2 days later

" Fight me " he said with a smirk playing on his lips. Naruto's expression became shocked.
" What?! why?" He asked back.
" I wanna test out my strength, now let's go !" He shouted activating his sharingan.


" Sasuke, were you really planing on killing him?" Kakashi asked the now tied up Sasuke. Sasuke didn't respond. Only glared daggers at Kakashi.

Time skip 3 days later

" Why Sasuke?" Naruto asked staring at him.
" Because, I don't love her " he said as he walked away. Naruto grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.
" My sister is crying her eyes out because you broke up with her, now tell me why?" He said squeezing his shoulder.
Sasuke let out single tear before smacking his hand away.

Time skip 1 day later

" I just don't know Hinata " he said running his hand through his hair. Hinata grabbed his hand and squeezed on it.
" It'll a-all work o-ou-out in the e-end " she said and smiled.

Time skip 2 days later

" Naruto, why were you with her then?" Sakura asked irritated. Naruto shook his head.
" It wasn't like that Sakura, I swear " he said but she didn't wanna hear it.
She began to cry and ran away crying.
" Why is everything falling apart here !?" He shouted to the sky.

Time skip 1 week later

" Sasuke, do you really mean that?" He asked with his head hanging low.
" Yes, your not my friend,  your not my brother " Sasuke said before walking off.

Time skip 2 weeks later

" Sasuke please don't leave!! I beg of you!" Yuan shouted on her knees crying.
" I'm sorry Yuan but I must " he said.
" Don't! I can make you happy, here  in the village. Just please don't leave me Sasuke"
Sasuke turned and let out a tear from his one eye.
" I don't love you " he said with that one tear. It dropped and hit the floor.
Sasuke then began to walk off into the night.

Time skip hours later

" Naruto please, just bring him back to me " his sister pleaded. He turned to see Sakura and Ino crying as well.
" Don't worry! I'll bring him back! I swear it!" He yelled

Time skip hours later

" Naruto just go, we can handle these guys " Neji said as he activated his byagukan.

Just go Naruto !!

His comrades voices rang in his head.

Time skip minutes later

" So you mean to tell me, all the people who have risked their lives for you mean nothing to you? That it was a waste?" He said with tears in his eyes.
Sasuke nodded saying yes.
" Well guess what pal. I made a promise to Yuan, to Ino, to Sakura that I'd bring you back. So I will"

Time skip minutes later

" If we're best friends, then why are we fighting?" He asked.
" Because of that bond, I must sever it" he said and leaped at him.

Time skip minutes later

" Don't act like you understand me, I had that pain because I had those ties. You were alone from the beginning!!" He said and kicked him away.

Time skip minutes later

" Sasuke !!"
" Naruto!!"

The two jutsu clashed emitting a bright white light.
When everything was clear, Naruto lay on the floor knocked out. Sasuke looked over him before coughing and doubling over onto his hands and knee. The rain washed back naruto's hair and made them both wet.
Sasuke's face was inches away from Naruto's.

Time skip 5 minutes later

" Damn, I'm too late " Kakashi said as he picked up the unconscious Naruto.

Time skip 1 day later

" Don't worry I'll bring him back, I swear on it " he said getting serious at the thought.
" Good, because next time I'm coming with Sakura said as she left.

Why does she suddenly feel like going after Sasuke?

Naruto asked himself in his mind.

Time skip 2 days later

Naruto sat in the training ground with tear stained eyes thinking of Sasuke. He was like a brother to him, and he just left him like that.
Suddenly a person came up out of the bush to see Naruto. It was Hinata.
" Hinata..." Naruto said wiping off the tears on his face before looking at her.
" Its ok Naruto-kun you can cry, we all have to at some point " she said to him.
" Wait, how come you didn't stutter over your words?" He asked looking at her in shock.
" Its because I'm with you " she said grabbing his hand.
" Naruto, I like you " she said blushing.
" I like you too Hinata, your an awesome friend " he said and gave her a grin.
" No, I like you as more then a friend " she said rubbing his hand with her thumb.
" What are you-" she cut him off by kissing him passionately. He gladly excepted the kiss, and even kissed back.
They both separated for air.
" Wait, this isn't right " Naruto said thinking of Sakura. Hinata nodded and straightened her clothes out a bit.
" Well Naruto-kun, I'll be waiting for you " she said and stood up to walk away.

Time skip 1 week later

He stood at the gates with Jiriaya ready to leave Konoha. Everyone he cared for was there to wish him good luck.
He shot a glance at Hinata and a small blush sprayed his cheeks.
" Don't worry guys, when I come back I'll be ten times stronger !!" He shouted out at them.
" Is that a promise " Yuan said with her angelic smile.
" Yes, it is " he said getting serious once more before waving goodbye.
" Well I'll see ya !" He said cheerfully.

The End 

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