Naruto versus the Misukage

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Sakura was fuming after the Misukage just tried to hit on her man, but she couldn't do anything about it .
Naruto lunged at her and tried to attack but she dodged by jumping out the way .
He tried again but the same thing happened .
Naruto jumped to her once more and then he suddenly poofed away and a fist came out the ground to give her an upper cut . She did a back flip and dodged .
" Good you almost had me there " she said smiling at him . He smirked at her and she became confused .
She looked around and saw rocks everywhere .
The rocks all disappeared in a cloud of smoke and transformed into forty Naruto's .
The crowd became shocked and began to cheer .
" YA, NARUTO GET HER SHOW HER THE POWER OF THE LEAF VILLAGE !!! " Sakura yelled which made people sweat drop .
The Misukage defeated all of his clones and was standing metres away from him .
She ran to him and they began a taijutsu battle which she was winning at . she was hitting Naruto left ,right and centre . She finished by kicking him away from her . He smashed into the wall and left a dent then fell off the wall to the ground .
" Where is the power you had before fighting the byagukan user ?" She asked quiet disappointed .
" I...can...only for...a short while " he said getting to his feet .
Suddenly Kakashi and Sasuke appeared in a cloud of smoke on the arena back to back .
Sasuke saw Naruto standing beaten and saw the Misukage standing metres away .
" Kakashi can you go into the stands " Sasuke said and Kakashi nodded and disappeared into the crowd .
Sasuke walked next to Naruto .
" huh...Sasuke, what ?" he said confused at what he was doing .
" Let me help you " he said getting into a fighting stance .
" Aaawww your both so cute " the Misukage said looking at them both and Sasuke's eye began to twitch .
" You can join the fight too if you feel like it " she said clapping her hands together .
Sasuke and Naruto looked to each other and smirked .
On the big screen the crowd could see their smirks .
" I wonder what their planning ?" The one person in the crowd said .
" Naruto ,I have two new jutsu I'd like to use here but I don't know if the one will work properly just give me time " he said and it echoed in the speakers and suddenly the crowds interests just got higher .
" Sure " Naruto said " I've been working on this jutsu for girls " he said and stretched . He began to run to the kage and created clones and did another hand sign and him and his clones turned into hot naked men .

The women in the crowds noses began to bleed Sakura's nose began to bleed so did Ino's and Tenten's. Hinata was the only one that didn't bleed .
" YOU BAKA THAT MIGHT WORK ON ME BUT NOT ON HER !!! " Ino shouted and then the big screen revealed the Misukage's nose bleeding .
" WHHAAT !!" Ino shouted .
Suddenly all the hot naked boys disappeared and there was Naruto. He punched the Misukage so hard she flew away .
" Naruto its ready " Sasuke said as a purple aura around him turned into a giant armored suit .
Sasuke's eyes began to bleed .
" Susanoo arrow of death now...DROP DEAD " he yelled and a giant arrow shot and hit the Misukage and the arrow exploded .
Sasuke then winced in pain and the armor disappeared .
" Thanks Sasuke I got this now " Naruto said and ran to the Misukage who was now pinned to the wall with a raesengan in hand .
" ITS OVER !!! " He yelled and hit her with the reasengan . A blue light shone from the reasengan .

Once all the smoke cleared the Misukage was still standing but her clothes were a little ripped .
" You two are very strong " she said and smiled . She looked at Sasuke . I've only ever seen it once but...did he just use the Susanoo ?.The Misukage thought to herself.
She then hopped back into her seat next to the Raikage.
" That Naruto and Sasuke are going to be great shinobi " she said and all the Kage nodded .

" The rest of the matches will be done tomorrow "
The announcer said which made people boo because they wanted to see more .

The people all left the stadium excited for the match tomorrow .

Later at the hokage tower

" You what lord third !" A jonin yelled at the third hokage .
" Forgive me for yelling sir can you just promote the two of them to jonin that quick ?" he asked still quiet shocked .
" Simple ,you saw how they held their own against the Misukage she even told me herself that those two should be promoted " the old man said filing some papers .
" But they need to work their way to the top first, they must become chuunin then jonin lord third " he said shaking his head .
" Listen the village is in a bad state now, tight and I've noticed about the Kazekage lately " the third said looking the jonin in the eye .
" Do you think he's planing to attack the village ?" The jonin asked .
" I don't know but...we must ready ourselves for whatever comes and we could really use those two boys " he said putting the stack of papers down .
" Ok lord third but I'm afraid its against the law to just jump them to jonin " he said bowing in respect.
" aha ! Sign them up for the jonin test " the third said stretching .
" You mean that thing where they become jonin for two months going on high level missions to see how they react to the hard missions . You do realise if they pass the test they will become jonin " he said getting up from his bowing .
" Yes ,and so be it sign them up  " the third said smiling .
" Now its late go get some rest I have a feeling tomorrow's match ups will be exciting " the third said smiling a big smile .
" Ahh...yes Lord third " he said and left the office .

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