What are you hiding ?

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No ones P.O.V

Over the past few days there's been reports of a mysterious figure guarding the leaf village from the shadows.
They call him the ' Silver Fox ' because he wears a fox mask.

Every night he comes out and stops robberies and things.

Naruto stood with Sasuke to his left and Sakura to his right.
" Hey Sakura that day when you walked into my room ,what did you wanna tell me ?" Naruto asked looking at her.
" Which day ?" She asked looking confused.

" That day when I was sick you know that day..."


She took out the thermometer and stuck it in his mouth and waited for the numbers to flash.
It read 119° .Naruto then kicked off his blanket saying it was " too hot ".
Suddenly Sakura came running through the door of the room to find Naruto laying down on his bed with sweat all over him.
" Naruto I have something I wanna tell you " she said before she saw the numbers flashing on the thermometer.
" What's wrong ?" She asked him with a worried look.
" I'll be ok I promise " he said looking at them both smiling a weak smile.
" What...did...you...wanna...tell me ?" He asked with another weak smile.
" That not important right now " Yuan said in her angelic voice...

Flashback end

" Oh ya that ! It was about this guy called the ' Silver Fox ' he protects Konoha from the night like some sort of mysterious hero " she said wiggling her fingers at the word. Mysterious.

" Oh I've heard of that guy, he's all over the newspapers " Sasuke said and turned to see a newspaper stand.
He grabbed Naruto's arm and dragged him toward the stand with Sakura following.

The picked up a newspaper and the front page said ' Silver fox hero or foe ?' .
" Some think he's a hero some think he's a enemy " Sasuke said looking at Naruto.
" What do you think about him ?" Naruto finally asked after some silence.
" I think he's a vigilante " Sasuke plainly stated. Naruto frowned at this.

Really a vigilante

He thought then turned to Sakura who was just staring at Naruto. She leaned in and gave him a kiss. A rough one at that.
After the kiss Naruto was happy again.
" So Sakura what do you think of the ' Silver Fox ' ?" He asked wiggling his fingers in front of him.
" I think he's dreamy " she said and stared off into space with a smile.
Naruto once again frowned at this.
He checked the time on the clock of the newspaper stand and it read 16:43.
He suddenly began to sweat looking at the time.

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