So sick its not even funny

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Well turns out Naruto got sick from the rain at the funeral they were at . But it wasn't just the funeral rain that made him sick .
He was sick from something else as well .
Naruto wasn't a medic but he could tell he was sick. He kept a sick kit in his kitchen filled with medicine and stuff .

He was too sick to go down the stairs take a right, then a left then cut through the dinning room to get to his fathers old office . Then take a left then a right and another right to get to his kitchen .
( The Uzumaki compound is very big its the biggest compound in the village )
" HEY YUAN !!!" He called out which made his headache worsen .
She came through the door and saw the state he was in and immediately understood . She ran down to the kitchen and grabbed the sick kit .
She came back through the door to look at him .
He began to moan and groan in pain but he still managed to give her a small weak smile .
She smiled back with a bright smile . He looked at her blue hair and saw that the tips were turning red now . It looked pretty too on her . What she was wearing at the moment looked good on her .

She wore blue jeans with a black belly shirt that stopped above her belly button with a blood red jacket that stopped just below her shirt and it was left unzipped .It had the Uzumaki crest on the back in white .

She took out the thermometer and stuck it in his mouth and waited for awhile until the numbers flashed .
It read 119° degrees . Naruto then kicked off his blanket saying it was " too hot " .
Suddenly Sakura came running through the door of the room to find Naruto laying down on his bed with sweat all over him .
" Naruto I have something I wanna tell you " she said before she saw the numbers flashing on the thermometer .
" What's wrong ?" She asked looking at him with a worried look .
" I'll be ok I promise " he said looking at them both smiling a weak smile .
" wanna...tell me ?" He asked with another weak smile .
" That's not important right now " Yuan said in her angelic voice .
" She's right Naruto you look awful and your covered in sweat " Sakura stated which made him frown .
" Hey its no ones fault you got sick...what were you even doing to get this sick ?" Yuan said looking at him with a questioning look .
He began to sweat even more .
" Its hot in here !" He shouted trying to change the subject .
Yuan knew something was up ,her brother doesn't just change the subject like that . He's one of those people who talks about it until there's nothing left to say .

" Here take some of this " She said holding a spoon to Naruto's mouth with a green liquid on it .
" Oohh* sniff* is that...moms secret recipe " He said staring at the spoon .
" Yep, the mix she used to make for us as kids whenever we got sick " She shouldn't have said that because that made Naruto try to run away . He didn't make it far though . He ended up falling face first after he got out of bed . The girls both carried him back into bed .
" Drink it " Yuan demanded .
" Whaaaa...but I-I...I hate that stuff " He said then sneezed and groaned in pain as his throat burnt into ash .
Suddenly someone else appeared in a cloud of smoke .
" Hey Naruto we must go on a mission to find the next " He said after seeing Naruto's condition .
" He's not going on any mission until he's better" Sakura said defensively against her boyfriend going any where and Yuan nodded in agreement .
" Its ok...I'm fine *sneeze and coughs * Pervy sage let's pack and go " he said with a raspy voice .

" I'm sorry Naruto but your obviously not feeling well so I'll wait until your feeling better " He said and sat on the chair in the corner of the room .
" Why can't you just do the mission by yourself ?" Yuan asked . Pervy sage got thrown back by her angelic voice but he didn't show it .
" Because...the person I'm gonna try reason with is one of the legendary sanin like me. Its Tsunade Senju and she's kinda in a slump now...but I believe Naruto's the only person that can knock her out of her slump . He inspires people , Lights the fire in them again that's why I need him . I believe he's the only person capable of lighting the fire in Tsunade . That's why I can't go alone " he said which made the girls see Naruto in a better light .
" Ok makes brother does have that affect on people " Yuan said making Pervy sage get thrown back again .
" I'm gonna need to get used to that " he said rubbing the back of his neck .
They suddenly heard a slight snore and turned to find Naruto sleeping soundly .
They all smiled at him .

' you really are special Naruto '

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