protect the ones you love

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It was night and I couldn't sleep at all . We passed the second part of the exam .
Me ,Sakura ,Sasuke ,Shino ,Lee ,Tenten ,Neji ,Kiba ,Shikamaru ,Chouji ,Ino and Hinata all passed the exams .
I got out of bed and decided to see if everyone was ok .

At Sakura's house

I appeared next to her bed . I saw her sleeping she seemed so peaceful . Not a care in the world .
I smiled and kissed her cheek then pulled her blanket up closer to her head to make her warm .
I gave her one last smile then disappeared .

At Sasuke's hospital room

I appeared next to his gurney and sat down on the couch next to him .
I watched his breathing and made sure he was fine.
" Yuan..." I heard him say which made me shake my head and smile .
I stood up and smiled at him then disappeared

At Shino's house

I appeared and found it was quiet clean in there .
I watched him as he slept and smiled at him seeing there was nothing wrong . I disappeared .

At Lee's house

I appeared and sweat dropped when I saw all the weights in his room. I walked around and found some interesting stuff . The biggest thing that I found out was that he likes Sakura .
I kinda got mad when he whispered her name in his sleep but hey what can I do .
I smiled and disappeared.

At Tenten's house .

I appeared to find weapons just lying around everywhere . I couldn't move or I could wake her .
How does she wake up to this every morning .
I then saw some drawings of my fathers kunai obviously she was trying to figure out how it worked .
She was obviously fascinated with it .
I smirked and disappeared .

At the Hyuuga compound

I visited both Neji and Hinata to kill time . Their rooms were quiet interesting . But I did not know Hinata slept just wearing a bra and panties .
I probably shouldn't mention this to anyone EVER .
I visited everyone else to see them and they were all ok . I was happy to know they were each fine because I really care about them each .
And you know what they say protect the ones you love

Naruto : Squad Hokage sequel Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu