Chapter 7 - Shattered Shells

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Sophia's POV

My first day at work is going amazing!

(Around 2 hours earlier)

I walked into the entrance hall, my black heels clicking on the stone floor, and looked around. Demetri was walking towards me, although I'd just arrived. I smoothed my grey pencil skirt and tightened my grip on my purse.

"7.55, well done. Follow me, your desk is this way."

He began walking away, so I hurried after him. He lead me to the waiting room, where I waited with the other candidates before my interview.

"Your desk is over there, you'll be filing, running errands, seeing to visitors, that type thing."

I walked over and touched the top, pure mahogany wood.

"What shall I do?"

"Sort through your desk, get acquainted with your place of work, do whatever." Demetri walked away, I sat down behind the desk, putting my bag on the floor and looking around. I didn't notice the detail before, the carved pattern around the doors, individual shades of each colour used in the ceiling, the same 3 men in all the paintings on the walls.

I looked to the closest painting, it had him in it, the man I couldn't stop thinking about. I slowly walked around the room, looking at each painting closely. Caius was in each painting and minus the olden day clothing he looked exactly the same. I got back round to my desk and stopped at the final painting.

Caius, Marcus and Aro were stood in the centre alongside 3 beautiful women, all of whom were dressed in long velvet dresses with their hair in winglets passed their shoulders. All six of them had blood red eyes and pale white skin. The date in the bottom corner said 1200 BC, but that was over 3000 years ago, and Caius was barely 20 years old.

"Beautiful aren't they?" I jumped and turned around to see Demetri stood behind me.

"W...w...what?" He laughed.

"The women in the picture."

"Who are they?" I asked, my voice barely audible but I wasn't sure why.

"That's Didyme," he said pointing to the woman next to Marcus, "that's Athenodora," he said pointing to the woman next to Caius, "and that's Sulpicia."

"Where are they now?"

"Didyme and Athenodora are no longer with us, Sulpicia lives in the clock tower." There was an awkward moment of silence, I knew I'd asked too much.

"Thank you, but I better get back to work." I sat down behind my desk and looked up to an empty room. How is it even possible to leave that fast?

(Around 2 hours later)

I was rummaging through the desk draws when I came across a letter addressed to Aro. I decided to take it to them and walked over to the doors, my heels echoing around the empty room.


"Enter." I entered the hall, my eyes adjusting to the little light. Aro, Caius and Marcus were sitting in their thrones staring at me, Marcus and Aro looking at me as though I was the last bottle of champagne at a party and Caius seemed to be in a trance. I began walking towards them, their red eyes sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I was was sorting through my desk and..." I was interrupted by Aro lifting a single finger.

"Let me my dear." He held out his hands, standing up and walking towards me he cupped my hand in his. His skin was soft although our hands barely touched. Suddenly he turned to the others.

"Sophia has found the letter the Cullens sent us, the one when Jessica had her 'accident'."

[M] "What does it say?"

I realised I was still holding the letter and handed it to Aro.

"I'll be outside, sorry for interrupting you again." I left, closing the door behind me. That was scary!

I'd just sat back at my desk when a man walked in, followed by the girl and boy who were stood next to Caius during my interview yesterday.

[J] "Don't mind us we're just dealing with a problem." They continued walking straight past me, into the 'throne' room. Seeing the door slightly ajar I followed them in.

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