Chapter 11

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Elijah POV.

I was super duper excited that today is my birthday I was finally 17, I thought this day wouldn't never come man. and on top of that my boyfriend was taking me out to Elegance the most expensive restaurant in Miami,  it had the best bread sticks alive man.

So it was time for me to go I had on a long sleeve shirt, Black jeans and nike 23, Aaron told me we had to dress alike for tonight.

To my parents they think im going out with Sydney but nah thats not the case, im going out with my man.its sad im 17 now and I still have to hide who im going out with or the other life I live?? Oh well let me leave before I be late.

while I was leaving my room I felt something thrown at me, I look down I saw a magnum gold.

I look up I saw my sister smiling and she winked at me.

I laughed,  this girl must think I'm going to have sex tonight? I took the condom and put it in my drawer, than I thought about it maybe I would need it, I went back in my drawer and took it 'You never know'

I got the restaurant I was excited for what the night will bring me.

I sat at the table it was 7:30 no sign of Aaron,  8:00 Still no Aaron Where could he be?? 8:25 Still nothing. I try calling him no answer.

Finally at 8:40 he showed up, he look like he wasn't himself he look like he have a vendetta to accomplish.

He sat at the table he was quiet no words.

-Are you okay baby?? I asked.

-Yeah, lil nigga im fine what you want to order?? He commanded.

-Umm, Ill take The birthday special.

-Alright, Waitress, Waitress he shouted real loud.

Oh my God, Baby lower your volume man.

-Dont tell me what to do- he snapped.

What was wrong with him he all pissy and Moody?? I asked him was he okay again. he told me yes.

I was not going to ask again so I let him be.

After 15 minutes we got our food and we began to chow down.

dinner was so much fun, after he got his food he was cracking jokes with me making me laugh, that's the Aaron I remember.

I guess he was hungry that's why he was acting like a vagina hole.

After dinner we decided to go for a walk in the park, I try to hold his hand while we was walking but he didn't let me, their was nobody outside so we could of held hand, he did before why he acting up now?

After walking around the park for a good minute

We found a bench, we sat on it so we can talk and also i wanted to get his tounge and my Toungue to go to war with each other that's what ive wanted to do all night was kiss him.

-The stars look beautiful tonight I said.

-Yeah they iight I guess- He responded with a snark.

I scoot next to him in attempt to kiss him, but he move his face to the side, I try to kiss him again he moved his face to the side again its like he didn't want to kiss me, he kept moving his face like I was sick or something.

I was getting upset man.

-What is your deal man?? I snapped.

-Nothing wrong, it's just that................your getting fat?? he said.

-Fat??? What do you mean by that fat?? I said with shock in my voice.

-Yeah, Fat you not the same guy I fell for you gained a little weight -

My mouth dropped,  this nigga did not just call me fat, I mean im not fat im just not skinny, not fat.

This bring me back to when I was fat I got bullied heavy for it in school .

but now my own boyfriend is becoming my bully and my heart was aching.

-Baby, what's wrong for real?? I asked.

-Look, Elijah im going to have to be honest ever since ive dating you ive been unhappy I have been keeping secrets from my homies,  and I havent hung out with them in a long time, so what im really trying to say is theirs this motto -Bro s before ho's- I have to keep and im sorry my secret is close to being exposed they getting suspicious  and I don't want that so we have to break up Elijah-

-Break up??? Baby please don't do this you the best thing that ever happen to me please don't do this baby please I begged-

-Im sorry Elijah it was fun but my happiness is with my boys and the streets were I hustle my life is the streets and you stopping me from doing so.

-So why did you even ask me to be yours in the first place if the boys and street was your life?? I asked.

-Because, you looked desperate so I felt sorry for you thats the only reason why I basically dated you bruh..

Wow, I cannot believe what im hearing this boy really just destroy me My heart fell on the floor and literally shattered into pieces, I didnt even want to hear anymore of what he had to say.

I just got up from the bench and started walking away with tears in my eyes.

-WHERE YOU GOING!!!!!!!!!he shouted.

I didn't even turn around I just kept on walking I didn't even give a fuck that the park was 30 minutes away from my house.

I just kept on walking, I cannot believe he broke up with me on my birthday? I was broken, my heart was ripped out my system, im walking and crying. I was broken into millions and millions of pieces that couldn't be glued back together this boy was my life, my soul I gave him everything but yet that wasn't enough. I gave my heart to this nigga.

how can he just do this to me??

I got home,  I didnt speak to nobody I just went in my room and turn on my radio.

-Aaliyah -The one I gave my heart Too. started playing, I took the poem he wrote for me I ripped it, the necklace with his initial on it I broke it.

I just broke down in my room tears was falling from my eyes like a water fall I can't do this anymore he broke up with me on my birthday? I cant don't this,  I don't want to live anymore.

I ran to the kitchen took a knife and ran to my room before anyone can saw me

The pain was to much, I gave this boy my all, my trust ,my emotions and my heart he ripped it out of me. my soul was out of my body.

Fuck life, I can't take this pain anymore since im fat, and ugly and worthless I might as well dont live anymore.

I walked to the mirror, I took a red marker marked X on my heart where I want the knife to go.

Tears was falling from my face,  I raised the knife up I close both my eyes and said

-goodbye heartache-

Elijah NOOOOOOOO My sister ran inside and quickly slapped the knife out my hand.


Let me kill myself  I don't want to live anymore,  let me die Portia.

she was holding me back from getting the knife,  I couldn't fight her I was weak and broken.

I just dropped to the floor with her holding me and just cried in her arms.

The pain of your first love always hurt, yes Aaron is my first love.

I just cried and cried till I can't cry no more the pain was unbearable for me, my first broken heart.

-Scene faded.

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The story and drama getting Badder, Sexier, And More You know it Drama!!! Stay tune update coming up soon!!!!!!!


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