Chapter 16

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*excuse the errors*

Elijah POV

I woke the next morning I was sore as shit,  as if I was hit by multiple bats from strangers. Last night was so amazing I got my man back,  and on top of that he gave me that good stuff, I woke up singing gospel, hallelujah, hallelujah praise him yes Lord, That dick Made me bring out my religious side.

I was so happy,  happier than ive ever been in years.

I went in my bag and pulled out a gun, yes it was Aaron gun that he shot wyatt with, I took it because the FBI was hot on the trail and especially they was snooping in the house this morning I heard and if they had find the gun and did test and all this shit, my man would be in jail and I didn't want that.

I heard a knock on the door I quickly hid the gun in the drawer and closed it.

-Come in- I screamed.

My Father walked in he was looking around the room, and he said he was coming in my room later to paintsince the walls looking a little messy and ive not done it when he ask me to so he funna do it

Okay, he can come paint I won't be here though,  I would be with my man and sydney

So I left before He came back in the room, I didnt want to have conversations about paint with my dad,  thats boring and on top of that he was going to preach to me and I aint got time for that,

So I left to go meet up with Aaron and Sydney at the clinic,  come to find out that whore was 3 months pregnant  and she have yet tell her parents, im praying she tell them soon.

We got the clinic and sydney and Aaron have gotten their before me, they have gotten close over the past days he support her and she support him, but they was arguing about the sex of the baby.

Aaron wanted a boy, sydney wanted a girl. Its not like it was Aaron baby but it was cute to see him argue with my best friend.

After 15 minutes or what ever Aaron was right, she was having a boy.

He was dancing -ha, Ha,In your face- He said.

But now, here comes the difficult part,  Sydney has to tell her parents she is expecting a baby.

Sydney POV-

I was happy to be having a boy, even tho I wanted a girl but a boy is good to..I was filled with so much emotions,  happy, Panicking, horney, hungry, angry all at once. now that I know what im having its time to prepare for its coming.  Baby,  I know when im getting bigger I will be judge by the church heavy but I dont really care for their opinions I will have the baby no matter what.

Now its time to face my parents I know I will get backlash for it I just know it, they didn't know I had an abortion before and they will never know, Elijah and Aaaron decided to come for support just in case stuff may go south.

So after my clinic visit we went to my house to break the news.

I got home my mom was on the couch watching Oprah and my dad was reading the news paper.

I enter the living room my heart was racing, but I had to put my big girl panties on and face the music.

-Hey Mom, Dad how are yall doing?? I asked them it was an icebreaker to set the mood.

They both answered, fine.

I gulp really hard it was time to spill the beans.

-Alright you guys, I have something important to tell you but idk how yall will react but im hoping its positive.

-okay, sweetheart where listening- My mother answered.

-Well, I don't know how to tell you this but I am........sigh-  Pregnant and I will be having a boy-

They both looked at each other and started laughing, I was looking confused and lost.

-What was so funny?? I asked them.

-Baby girl, your mother and I both knew you were pregnant we was just waiting on you to tell us?? my father laughed.

-How did you guys know???

-Usually you would come to me for pads but you didn't in the last 3 months,  and also you been eating like their was a monster inside of you. and on top of that you gained weight,  so we put 2+2 together and voila- My mother explained.

-So, you guys not mad?? im going to be a teenage mom??

-Heavens no, we know that your a smart girl and you can handle yourself and you got our support we will help you the best way we can. - says my dad.

I was in shock,  my parents accepted  the fact that I am having a baby and my head wasn't chopped off.

I was expecting Whore, slut, Scarlet get out my house but that wasn't the case they was accepting of the cause and that's all I could off asked for.

Elijah POV.

I was happy that sydney parents was not angry or judgemental about the whole pregnancy thing, they was open minded.

That gave me confident to tell my parents that im Gay.

I mean im tired of hiding who I am to them, I wanted them to love and accept me and accept Aaron as my lover.

You know what? Ima tell them tonight.

I didn't tell Aaron nor sydney about my plan because they might talk me out of it. so I kept it to myself and decided to it.

im praying for the best.

So Later that night, I got home and went straight to my room to calculate how im going to tell them.

So I sat on the bed and was thinking, until my dad walked in with a concern face.

-Hey Son can we talk?? He asked me.

-Yeah sure-

-whats been going on with you is everything okay with you son??

-Yeah,  everything is good why you asked??

-I asked, Because your mother and I feel like your keeping secrets from us and you been different something eating you alive,  I know something is bothering you now what is it what are you afraid off??  he asked me.

-Im afraid of you and mom-

-You afraid of us why??

-Because, sigh, im not the person or the kid you think I am dad- I answered.

-of course i know who you are  Your Elijah Thomas my son The boy who will take my place as pastor soon.  he said Smiling.

-Yeah,  but im different, im a different boy im not the same Elijah you knew- I said in a low voice

-Yes you are what makes you think your different??

-Its not that simple Dad. .............Sigh- im Gay- I whispered.

-What did you Say???

I look up to him with tears in my eyes, -Im gay-

He sat on the bed and looked at me for a while, then he got up and left without saying a word.


Elijah Came out to his dad?? what will happen? Will he accept him?
Leave your thoughts loves.
Stay tune the drama has just begun.

But I'm A Preacher's Kid (boyxboy) * Completed*Where stories live. Discover now