Chapter 17

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Elijah POV.

After I told my dad I was gay I didn't know what to expect from them, if im going to get disowned or what? Alot of emotions was going through my mind.

As im sitting I heard mumbling coming from downstairs I know my parents was talking,  so I got up to go listen to what they was saying.

Parents conversation-

-GAY????? My Mother said very loudly,  Thats Impossible You sure??

-Yeah, he look me dead in the face, and say he was gay.

-Gay, I don't what to make of this, I knew something was going on like he was on drugs, or He got some girl pregnant but gay?? im lost for words right now I don't know what to make of this,.

What are we going to do about this??

-I don't know My lady,  I don't know-.

Im listening to my parents talk and tears was streaming down my face, I don't know what to think anymore.

will they accept me or not, that conversation was giving me mixed signals.

I just went back to my room and just put on my Beats and just get lost in the music.

I really hope they accept me if not than I will just commit suicide because I don't think I can handle the backlash of my parents and the church im not ready.

  Aaron POV.

You Told Them????? I yelled.

-Yeah I told them, well I told my dad but he told my mom and now I don't know what to do now.

I don't know if they accepted me or not because it's been 3 days and my mom and dad been cool I guess,  my brother he dont care my sister had told him he said -He knew already- so I know he accepted,  its my parents im worried about baby- Elijah said as he close his locker and we started walking together

-Well, Maybe they gotten over it but tell you what how about this Sunday I go to church with you and don't you guys usually have family dinner afterwards??

-Yeah, and this sunday My mom cooking home cooked meal- He said.

-Their you go, this Sunday ill come to church with you to let them see im not a bad guy and our love is not a sin- I said hugging him.

-Okay, but they know im gay but they don't know you my boyfriend-

-Well, sunday they will know, so please stop worrying everything will be okay I promise-

To be honest bruh,  I don't know how everything will go I just said things will be okay just to make him feel better but I don't know how these holy people funna act, but im ready I left my hood mentality in the closet because I met Elijah,  but if someone get out of line ima have to go get it and show them I aint the one nor the muthafucking two.

That Sunday, I got up early to get ready for some place I haven't been into in I dont know how long I don't when was the last time ive been in their, I feel like church full of phoney muthafuckas and hypocrites I can't be around them fake people, on top of that they quick to point the fingers at people but they can't point back at themselves, but im only going because I am in love with Elijah and I just want the parents to understand that he is not a bad person because he gay but accept him for beeing himself.

Im finally accepting the skin im in and I don't care who knows it I love me some me and the fact im different from everyone is the best thing ever.

So after I shower I put on my blue long sleeve shirt with the sweater vest my black pants and shiny shoes looking like a pimp, but a holy pimp.

But I'm A Preacher's Kid (boyxboy) * Completed*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon