Chapter 21

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Elijah POV.

Elijah is that really you son?? he said rubbing his eyes to make sure it was me.

-Yes dad Its Me your grown 24 year old boy- I said in a monotone voice.

-Yes very grown its been 7 years son, ive missed you, your siblings miss you also-

-what about mom??? I asked I wasn't expecting to for her to miss me but I asked anyways.

-Your mom misses you alot, she prayed and prayed in maybe one day we can meet again, would you like to talk to her??

I had to think about everything  she did and said to me should I go speak to her?? ill think about it.

-Ill let you know dad because I don't know how you guys feel about me and this could be a trap and ive been drama free for 7 going on 8 years now and if she come at me with the drama ima leave because I didn't come to miami for drama alright dad??

-Yeah sure you know where we stay same ol house so stop by when you can son please we need to talk like really- he said holding on to me.

-Alright dad I will come tommorow night but don't tell nobody im here ima surprise everyone and also if things go well I will reveal my secret-

-Okay son please come, but I have to leave but tomorrow please- he begged.

I shook my head and walk away I didn't even hug him or nothing because he was against me and Aaron and threw shade at us but what ever.

I can't believe  I agreed to come to that hypocrites house but ima go but if she come at me with some disrespectful shit im out.

Better yet I didn't even tell him that im married to Aaron and that we have kids,  but let's seee how things go.

Next Morning

I woke feeling I don't know what to call it, I have to go to my parents house to talk.

Since we haven't talked in 7 years and no lie I missed them but I don't know what they reactions will be after tonight its either we be a family or be separated forver, I wouldn't want that but if it comes to that than be my guess.

Later That night.

-You sure about this baby?? Aaron said as we sit in the car with the kids in front of my parents house.

I look outside the window and I started having flashback of the past when I was young how I use to play with my siblings and friends.

I close my eyes took a breath -Yes im ready-

I had on A Long sleeve shirt that says Love, black jeans and My Air Jordans.

I made sure my family look good also just in case I called them to come down. (My husband looks good my kids look good).

My Rock a.k.a My ring was shiny than the stars itself, ima flaunt it.

It was time to get out,  I kiss my husband and he told me good luck, if my mom is getting out of line say nothing just get up and leave.

And thats exact what I will do.

I got out the car and walked to driveway I turn around I saw Aaron mouthing -Good luck-

I breathe and rung the doorbell.

*I waited, waited and waited my heart wass racing,  my mouth was dry my hand was sweaty I can't do this I can't.

Before I could walk the door open.

-Elijah Baby Is that you?? my mother said in a sick voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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