Chapter 14

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Aaron POV.

My Hand Was Shaking,  Tears Was Falling From my face as I watch the gun smoked.

All I seen was My Brother staring at me blank he didn't move at all, blood was coming out of his mouth,  complete silence.

He dropped to the ground.

-Oh My God what have you done??? Elijah screamed as he walk to Wyatt body checking his pulse.

-I.i.i, Idk what I was thinking It was in the moment and I.i, I, I, I, - i stuttered uncontrollably.

-Lets get him to the hospital and fast man-, -DONT JUST STAND THEIR AARON MOVE FAST!!!!!!!!!!! -Elijah snapped.

I quickly grabbed my keys and rushed to the hospital.

The nurse quickly grabbed him and took him to surgery,  because the bullet well went straight through his chest.

I was in the emergency room with Elijah shaking, heavy breathing,  I was crying non stop.

-What have I done?? what have I done?? I killed my own brother- I said repeatedly.

-You didn't kill him, he is not dead he is in surgery he will be fine baby just have faith-

-I don't know what I was thinking, it was just urgh I was angry, lost, hurt, And all those emotions was because of him, and I don't know why I pulled the trigger-

-Well, You was angry but now its not time to blame your brother is in their fighting for his life, lets just think positive and everything will be okay- Elijah preached.

He was right,  It's No time to think negative.

Just in time my parents walked in, My Mother looked tired as hell.

-What happened?? She said her voice was breaking.

I didn't know what to say to her, I was frozen I can't tell her I shot my own brother.

-Wyatt, Got shot by someone we dont know who- I answered.

-Elijah, Is this true?? My father asked him.

-YEAH, Umm We was just talking outside and in a blink of an eye Wyatt was shot. he answered.

-Okay, This son of bitch probably the same person who shot me And now they shot my baby boy, Ive already contacted an FBI he is on the case he will track the shooter who shot my son-

My heart dropped, I was the shooter Oh God im in shit load of waters.

I look at Elijah and he saw the fear in my eyes,  he just held my hand and he said to me -Everything will be okay I promise-.

I hope he right,  right now I am scared.

-next morning-

I didn't go to school that day, I went to go see my brother see how he doing.

I got to his room I saw he was just laying their flipping the channel,

-Hey Skillet- I said.

-Hey Whats up bro- he answered back.

I walk to him and just sat next to him I just looked at him and I started tearing up.

-Bro, I am so, so sorry for what ive did I didn't mean for it to go that far it was just in the moment I was angry and I lost control of my anger and I am sorry- I said to him while I rub his hand.

-No dont apologize I deserved it I caused you pain and I was thinking of myself not you-

-But why did you do it?? I asked.

Before he could answer,  I saw tears streaming down his eyes.

-Because I missed you bro, I miss how we use to hang out and be brothers but ever since you started dating Elijah,  things change you didn't have time for me anymore and I was jealous when I heard you going to graduate this year, I was hurt because I know soon you going to leave and I won't have my brother around me anymore and I see how your life changed for the better I see now theirs more to the world than hustling and selling dope, I needed your help I wanted it to be like you but you was never around I had the boys true but I needed my brother to help me but you was never around man, you left me =( , tears started falling from both of ours faces.

-Bro, I am so sorry if you feel I neglected you I never wanted that to happen,  I love you so much bro nobody can break that bond we got me and you will always be brothers no matter what I got your back through it all.

I got up and hugged him when I saw he was crying.  Me and my brother never had an heart to heart before,  we always talk about the trap but never how we feel towards each other feelings,  I love my brother no matter what.

After talking to Him and bonding again,  I forgave him he didn't mean no harm he just wanted my attention and I couldn't be mad him.

I left him to rest, all that was on my mind was the FBI on the case, I had to get rid of the gun and fast. .

Was that bonding cute or nah???
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