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WARNING: This is a gay furry comic. If you don't like either don't read! Also this will have some boy on boy action.

My name is Ronny Redfox, but you can call me Red. All my friends do, or used to. I am 15 years old and am about to turn 16 in a few days. I'm a male red fox furry with light blue eyes. I love being alone and sushi.

It was winter break and I had just moved into town. I had three weeks off so I took the first week moving.

I really thought I could be alone forever, because my mom never really tells me to go outside. I didn't and am still skinny as ever. My phone is what keeps me happy all the time. As long as my phone is by my side, I feel safe. It doesn't just let me call 911 whenever there's an emergency, it also is an expansion of knowledge that is waiting for me explore. So far I've learned a lot about the sixth sense and also about some of the other boys at school if you catch my drift. If I remember correctly, the sixth sense is when you're able to see into the future.

There was one guy who left a bullet out of a gun and a robber came in. The robber took the gun and shot the guys dad but the dad was alive cause the bullet wasn't in. Needless to say, the dad beat the crap out of the robber. Anyways back to the story.

One day, my mom decided it was time I go see the world, so she sent me off to camp. I pack my stuff, which wasn't a lot, and headed to the car. Mom drive me to the camp and dropped me off. I lugged my suit case along as she shouted at me, "HAVE FUN!"

I shouted back, "I WILL!"

For some reason, she must have felt the need to say, "TRY TO FIND A CUTE BOYFRIEND!"

I was now blushing. "MOOOOOM!"

She just chuckled and drove off.

There was a sign-in booth in the middle of all the cabins which were all in a circle. A campfire sat in the actually middle and the sign-in was next to it. I sighed and signed in then found my cabin letter. The small card one of the guys over here gave me read:

Welcome Ronny Redfox
Your cabin awaits you in

I immediately found my cabin, it was just like the other cabin but with 12 beds and 2 bathrooms instead of 14 beds and 1 bathroom. Setting my junk on the bed I realized that there was no outlet to charge my phone. I twitched and started to panic. This guy put his arm on my shoulder and said quietly, "I have a solar powered charger if you need it."

I turned around to see another one of the campers who wore his uniform that looked a little to tight for him because I could see his smoking hot abs. He was a pretty muscular wolf but not too muscular and he did have a nice toned ass but I'm usually the bottom in the relationship. I don't mind it, I actually enjoy it a lot. His fur was white as snow.

"T-Thanks," I stuttered out nervously.

"I'm in the bunk under yours. My name is Skylar, but you can call me Sky. I'm 17 buy the way."

"I'm Ronny, but you can call me whatever you want. I'm 15 turning 16 in a few days."

"I think I'll call you Red! Sound cool?"

"Cool," I said in a relaxed and in love tone. Smiling I look into his beautiful neon green eyes.

"Well see you in the morning Red, I've got to go help out with the other new campers." He started walking off slowly and his tail swayed along.


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