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I hop in the water. It was sooo cold. I would have hopped out if it weren't for Skylar. He was facing towards me and had a firm grip on my thighs, trying to keep me from going up I presume.

"Do you really wanna win this s-so badly?" I shivered.

"No, I'm just cold... Let as get out before we g-get pneumonia..."

I stood up slowly a walked out the water. I grabbed his paw to help him out. When we got out, it was warm. I hugged him and he hugged me back. Hugging his incredibly beefy chest, I nuzzled my head under his neck. His muscular arms wrapped around my waist and were very warm. I love his muscular body. My arms wrapped around his neck.

In the background, we heard cheers. Matilda and Kevin apparently partnered up and won. Matilda took the card. They didn't look like they were having fun and actually looked like they hated each other. I let go of my hug with Skylar and look and Matilda. I giggle and she rolls her eyes.

I saw Kevin walk away and to talk to other furs. I'm just glad that's over.

"Okay campers, time for another competition!"

"DAMNIT!" I shouted.

Everyone looked at me and I blushed.

"Everyone get changed and meet at the rock wall!"

I walk back to the cabin holding Skylar's hand. My feet step onto the floor of the cabin and I head to the showers to change. Skylar follows. "Mind if we share the changing room, the others are full."

"Sure, I don't mind."

I grab my clothes and dry off. My fur becomes soft again and I take of my shirt. Skylar already had his shirts and pants off. When I saw him in his tight underwear, I also noticed his enormous bulge. I blushed and looked away. Then he hugged me from behind, bringing me even closer to him and I could feel his bulge just above my tail starting to get, 'bigger.'

My pants and underwear slip off and I quickly put on new ones then a shirt. "Sorry..." I said and he looked kinda sad. He took of his underwear and I saw his huge you-know-what. He was struggling to fit it in a jockstrap. "I packed it just in case I ran out..."

"Oh." I couldn't stop staring as he changed into the rest of his clothes.

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