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I know the wasn't goodbye forever and all that but it was still kinda sad having to say goodbye to the people I've come to know and love. Matilda was the first to come to me and say goodbye. She had a strong grip for a hug. So strong that I was at a point where I couldn't breathe.

"Take care ok man? I don't want you to roam the streets without Skylar or I there to guide you."

"Okay. You stay safe too. See you Monday!" I said as she was walking to her mom's car where her mom drove her off. They were already talking in the car when I noticed Kevin walk up to me and hug me too. His hugs were a lot softer and his fur smelt like strawberries. "See you on Monday bud!"

For him to say bud, It was a whole new meaning. It felt right from him. If Skylar called me, "bud," at this point in time, I'd probably start cutting. PROBABLY! That's not for sure but there is a 30% chance I would.

"See you then Kevin. Oh wait!" I took out a tiny slip of paper from my pocket and handed it to him. "Let's keep in touch!"

"Okay!" He exclaim, skipping along after putting the tiny slip of paper containing my number in his pocket.

And then there was one. Skylar. He looked over at me and I ran up to him. I could tell he was expecting this but I did it anyway. I jumped into his beefy warms and my legs kicked up in the air. My winter coat was unbuttoned and flapping in the wind. Skylar was too warm for me to have my coat on.

I could tell he was smiling by the way he chuckled. But he wasn't just smiling, he was smiling with that crooked sexy smile I had fallen in love with. "You won't forget me will you?" He asked setting me down and looking into my eyes with his beautiful green eyes. The green on his eyes reminded me of grass and tree leaves. When he asked me the question and stared at my eyes, I felt like he was staring at my real self. My real self inside me clawing it's way out. My real self that wants to date him so badly.

"I will never forget you. Not in a million years. Besides, how can I forget the hottest guy on the planet!"

He blushes and chuckles a bit. I give him a small kiss on the cheek and he leaves after saying goodbye.

Once I finish saying goodbye to Skylar, my mom pulls up and honks her horn. "HI HONEY!"

I walk over to the car quite quickly and hop in. She smiles. "So how was it? You know besides the hospital. Oh and he was cute, I'm glad you're dating him! Hope to have him over for dinner soon!"

"It was fine, yes that was him and I'm not dating him. We are just... Friends with benifits. I just hope I don't have to come back to camp furry again!"

My mom giggles and we drive off. I stare out the window thinking to myself.

'This is going to be the longest 2 days of my life!'

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