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Later in the day, we all got our necessities. Most brought only food, water, and something to keep warm because it might snow tonight. All I needed was some snacks, because I don't eat much, and my phone, because I wouldn't live without it. Skylar would be my resource for staying warm. If all goes to plan that is.

Skylar brought his solar powered charger so I could charge my phone which I am sooo thankful for!

Finally, we get to the campsite where we will be spending the night in. Matilda pulls me aside to talk.

"I know you're gay," she whispered in my ear.

"Pfft! No I'm n-"

"You can stop. I can tell when guys are gay."

"Ok you got me. I'm gay."

"And I know you like Skylar, too."

"You're right about that too. Wait, if you can tell if a guy is gay, could you tell if Skylar is gay?"

"Well, no. He's a complicated fellow."

I sigh and sit down on the grass and leaves that were really wet. She sits next to me.

"Hey don't worry. We can find out together! I could give you advice! I've known him for 4 years. I know everything he likes!"

"You would really help me?" I ask looking up at her with my ears down.

"Of course! You seem like a pretty great guy!"

"Thanks, Matilda!" I hug her and an feel her hug me back.

The two of us get up and catch up to Skylar who was pretty far ahead. I could spot him from a mile away. He was the most attractive guy in the camp!

As time passed, we grew to know each other better. Matilda always loves telling jokes, my favorite color is baby blu, the same color as my eyes, and how strong Skylar really is. We had our own personal campfire. We were divided into three people per campfire and we just happened to be grouped together. We had a few marshmallows, well Skylar and I did. Matilda ate most of the bag. The three of us had a few laughs, too. It did start to snow and we put out the fire with water.

It had to come to an end though so we went to our tents. Skylar and I shared a tent. It was two per tent and I begged Matilda to reserve our tent. She did. I put my phone away for a change and leaned onto Skylar's chest as I fell asleep. He was awake this time and knowingly put his arm around me. I was confused on weather he did it because he liked me too or he did it to keep me warm.

I didn't care at that point.

I was happy.


Authors note:

Yay! I'll be uploading more every week for now on! Keep reading and I'll post more!

Camp FurryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz