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That night, I couldn't sleep. I leaned over the side of my bed to see Skylar in his boxers looking up at my bunk. He really did have nice abs and apparently a huge bulge from what I can see. He turned his head to look at my with his crooked, yet sexy smile. "I see you're still awake," he said looking into my eyes.

"Yeah... Couldn't sleep."

Skylar got up a little slowly as I still stare at him.

"Two things," he started, "One. I can take care of your, 'couldn't sleep' problem. Two, why are you staring at me like that?"

'Because you're hot,' I think about saying but of course, decide not to. "You had a sp-spider on your paw."

He looks down. To my surprise, there really was a spider on his paw. I could see his biceps contract as he lifts his arm. Skylar smacks the spider then gets up. I blush.

I get down from my buck and he grabs my paw and drags me outside quietly but quickly. He took me to a lake near by. The grass wasn't that tall, but it was tall enough to go past half of my shin. We plopped our selves down onto the grass and Skylar looked up. He sighed, "There is a cute girl in our cabin that I think likes me. She looks like your age though."

I look at him and on the inside I feel worried. "Really?" I ask with little hope left that he is gay.

"Yeah but you can have her. I'm not into her."

I look back up, "Then who are you into then?"

"I would say that that's my business. Who are you into?" He chuckles.

I guess that's my business too." We both laugh and are surprised we weren't caught.

Eventually, we both got tired and he fell asleep on the grass with his paws behind his head. He was looking up when he fell asleep. I decided I was going to fall asleep too and I did. Blushing, I fell asleep with my head on his chest. It was like a pillow. He must have not noticed that in his sleep, he put his muscular arm around me. I smiled and slept soundly.

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