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Skylar and I both walked out of the showers. He and I both found that we were getting some stares. I started to feel a little embarrassed but Skylar didn't seem to care. Almost as if this has happened to him before. Oh well. For some reason, I decided to walk slowly, trying to maintain a slow pace. Sky didn't question me and just kept walking along side me.

It took forever but we finically made it to the rock wall. There were some gear all over the floor. The sign said first one to the top wins bragging rights. I rolled my eyes thinking there was no possible way that my frail little body would make it up there. That's when I saw Skylar getting into his gear that had his name on it. The sign gave the exact time when to start so we took our time.

"This is gonna be easy! I do this a lot back home! Well without the rope or safety gear..."

"G-good to know."

"Afraid of heights?"

"No! Just never enjoyed being up very high."

"Well we start in a few minutes so let me just tie our ropes together."

"Why?" My curiosity getting the best of me.

"So that if you fall, I'll catch you."

Everyone started climbing the wall as soon as we saw it was time. Furs hopping from one ledge to another. Some furs fell and hit the ground but not too hard. I climes after Skylar and had a very nice view from below if you know what I mean.

Climbing rocks wasn't easy and definitely wasn't something I wanted to do again. As I grabbed onto one rock while we were half way up, the ledge below me broke off and I was dangling from Skylar's muscular grip. Before I knew it, he yanked me to where I was right next to him. We started climbing again and when we got to the top, we noticed that we were the only ones there. Skylar picked me up and spun me around, hugging me tight. I don't remember his muscle being as big as they were then but man were they big!

By the time we got back, it was night fall and we were saying our goodbyes.

Camp FurryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora