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At around midnight, I wake up to a buzz under my arm. Someone texted me. It was Matilda? But I never have her my number. How in the world?

Matilda: Hey!

Me: How did you get my number?

Matilda: Snuck into your tent.

Me: oh

Matilda: you two make an adorable couple! ;)

Me: Um... Thanks?

Matilda: No problem. So how does it feel to be right under you crush's nose? Or should I say armpit?

Me: Knock it off! It's actually quite comfy. His shoulder is like a giant pillow...

Matilda: Interesting...

Me: I'm gonna go back to sleep cause one tired... Goodnight

Matilda: Goodnight lover boy!

I roll my eyes and head back to sleep. I could smell marshmallows and I could tell Matilda opened a new bag of marshmallows. I chuckled under my breath then actually fell asleep.


The next day, or night, or something I couldn't tell, Skylar woke me up with his muzzle inches away from mine. He had his crooked smile and different clothes on. 'Damn, I missed him changing!' I though as I felt Skylar's paw start to run up my shirt. Blushing and confused, I look at Skylar just before he started to kiss me. I just closed my eyes and let his tongue overlap mine as we kissed.

Before I knew it, my shirt was off and so was his. He suddenly grabbed my arm and started shaking it, while he said in my ear, "Red..." Louder, "Red." Louder! "RED!"

I woke up from what I now realize was a dream. Skylar was getting dressed and shouting my name. "Come on we need to head back to camp! We overslept!" I could see his bulge just before he put his pants on and then I got dressed. We headed back to the camp in a rush through the foot tall snow after taking down our tent and gathering our supplies. I plopped onto my bunk and slept again hoping I could have that dream again.

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