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I awoke to the smell of pancakes filling my nose. I sit up a smile a little. Walking outside, I saw a small tent set up with a table under neath that had other campers sitting and eating. Each one was dressed differently. I walked over to sit next to Skylar and Matilda but Kevin spotted me first and called me over. My feet padded through the thin layer of snow. I could actually see some sun today. "Morning cutie!" He said to me. "Uh, morning!" I greeted shyly. Kevin stood up and took my had. "You look beautiful!"


"What's the matter?"

"I-It's nothing... Let's just eat." I sat down next to him and began to eat. At first, I had no idea he was flirting with me, then he started to call me other nice names like handsome or cutie pie.

"Listen Kevin, there is this guy I like..."


"Let's say he asked me out."


"If you were me, what would you do if you said no to him?"

"Well I would just try to ask him out because I didn't want him to ask me out. Why, did this happen to you?"


"Well, what are you waiting for? Ask him out again!"

"I don't know if he wants me back..."

"You never know unless you try."

I smile and stand up. Then, I walk over to Matilda and Skylar. I sit across from them and Skylar just looks away from me. He looked angry yet depressed. "So what's up guys?"

No response from either of them.


Matilda looks at me. "I had to stay up all night comforting him. I'm tired... I think I'll just go back to the cabin."

Skylar just sits staring away into the grass or something.


"What?" He responded quickly.

"I have to ask you something. This is hard for me because I just told you no but, will you go out with me?"


"I only said no because I didn't want you to ask me out!" I end up shouting out of panic. Maybe I was afraid of whatever would have happened.

"I'll think about it," he said as he walked off to the cabin.

* * *

Later, around 6 or 7 pm, I finish eating dinner which was freshly caught fish with grapes. The campers all helped clean the cabin inside and out today. By the end of the day, I was exhausted by all the hard work put together. Not to mention, having to be ignored by the one and only cute guy there. Well, besides Kevin but he isn't really my type. I know this sounds cheesy but I really like a man that is:

a. Tough/ Strong

b. Manly

c. Just down right handsome.

As stupid as this seems, it's the way you could get me to like a guy. Those and personality.

I sigh as the campers head back to their cabin's. Kevin followed me back to my cabin and was talking about some job opportunity the he might have in the future. Don't get me wrong, I like talking to Kevin, but he is just... Not as appealing as Skylar.

When we get in the cabin, Skylar runs up to me and hugs me. My heart raced because I thought he was going to kill me. "I'll agree to be friends with you and maybe more in the future."

"Really?!" I exclaim with joy.


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