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Again, I couldn't sleep. Skylar was asleep this time. I couldn't sleep because I had slept all day yesterday. And the fact the tomorrow was my birthday.

I should try to get some sleep. My eyelids closes slightly then completely. I felt I was consumed in the darkness and my body was floating in this type of third space where I continuously floated until something would hit me. The thing that would hit me, is reality. There were endless thoughts that were going through my mind at the moment.

'Is Skylar gay? Why was he staring at me that one time? Should I play it cool? Why did he choose to talk to me?'

I was hit by reality and woke up with a jolt. Apparently I was asleep and now it's morning.

There stood Skylar and Matila shouting, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

I just grinned and face planted my head into my pillow which made me sneeze. Skylar griped my leg which hurt like a pinch. "Oh come one! Get out of bed, it's your birthday!"

I shook my head and just lied there letting my muzzle get consumed by the pillow. I could hear them discuss about me and why I wouldn't get up. Skylar got and idea that I was quite fond of. He grabbed me by the waist and picked me up. He threw me over his muscular shoulders and I could see his ass. His tail swayed back and forth.

"Put me down!" I demented while laughing. Matilda was putting a blindfold on me and Skylar set me down slowly. I was feeling around to see where I was when I felt Skylar's chest. I knew it was his because it was soft and muscly. He put his paws around my waist. We stood there for a long 2 seconds while I blushed and then he hugged me with a huge embrace. "Happy Birthday!" He whispered in my ear then picked me up once again.

Suddenly I was surrounded by water. It was SO cold! My blindfold drifted off and I saw I was in a lake. Little tiny fish swam by as I just sank deeper. I decided to swim up and finally got some air. It was refreshing.

Skylar and Matilda laughed. "It was all my idea!" Matilda exclaimed.

I shook my head in a happy disappointment, if that makes sence. I got out and Skylar hugged me again.

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