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The last day wasn't what I expected... It was long and I feel like in a book, would have lasted 4 or 5 chapters! Skylar and I drew closer and so did Kevin and I. Kinda.

He says he LOVES talking to me which I don't get because most people don't like talking to me. Maybe it's because I don't talk a lot back... I think he's cute just I want Skylar more.

Kevin and I met in the morning. By morning I mean morning. Around 5-6 am. He woke me up to talk and have some early breakfast. "How you holding up bud?"

"I'm good, you?"

"Could be better. So I head you and Skylar are boyfriends now!"

"No that's a fib. For now we are just friends with benifits."


"Yeah like we hold hands and hug a lot."


I giggle. "You're too funny!"

"You're too kind!" He giggles too. We talk more about boy stuff and dresses pop up here and there. Kevin wanted me to dress up in a dress for the high school dance next year. I said sure.

An hour passed calling the other campers out to the center of the camp. The announcer said we would have some fun last-day games to do. Skylar and I stood next to each other. I blushed and so did he. I giggled and the announcements came on again. "Campers, today is the last day for camp! We have a little competition for and $100 gift card to Furbucks! All you have to do is last the longest with your partner in the lake. Both of you have to stay in the water. If one hops out, you both loose. Have fun!"

"This is stupid..."

Skylar agreed. I sighed, "If you wanna do it, I'll do it for you."

"Okay." Skylar said. "I'll do it."

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