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    I extend my legs on the pool chair and turn my music up. A shadow comes over my face and I open my eyes to see a man about my age standing there. He has dark brown hair and light brown eyes.

"Hi?" I look at him, not ready to deal with any bull shit.

"Hi. I'm Luca," Hearing how similar his name is to Lucas' makes me hate him automatically.

"What do you want Luca?" I get straight to the point.

"Well, I want you in my bed tonight," he shrugs and sits down by my legs, on MY chair. I sit up and cross my legs.

"No thank you," I smile sarcastically at him.

"C'mon baby, you don't have to be alone," he smiles back at me, his smile's quite revolting.

"I'm not alone, and I sure as hell am not your 'baby'," I roll my eyes behind my sunglasses.

"I don't see you with anyone," he dramatically looks around him.

"Because my husband's still in our room," I push my sunglasses onto the top of my head.

"Damn you look even hotter with your glasses up," he grins and scoots closer.

"You do realize that you have no chance here, right?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I bet you're a good person," he smiles a very fake smile. I can tell he's just trying to seem less douche-y.

"She is," a deep voice comes from behind my chair, "that's why I married her."

Luca looks up behind me to see Lucas standing over me, and he looks relatively terrified. It's very clear that Lucas' is about 5 times the size of the brown haired boy. I just watch, not saying anything.

"You're ... her husband?" Luca looks at the tall muscular build of my husband.

Lucas nods and smiles, "and I've heard enough of your conversation. I'm not even mad, I feel bad for you, it's obvious that you've gotten laid before."

The much smaller boy scoffs and walks off towards another group of girls, his next victims. I roll my eyes and Lucas makes his way to my seat, facing me.

"Hailey," he starts, "is that girl I have the restraining order against."

"What does she mean 'old times' then?" I lay my legs back out beside him and put my glasses back on over my eyes.

"She meant when her and I hooked up," runs his hand through his hair, "the time you already know about."

"Lucas why does she have your number?" I ask, finally looking at him.

"She must have it memorized," I've blocked her number 3 times.

"Prove it," I hand him my phone, nodding towards it. He takes it and looks at it as if he's never seen one before.

"What do you want me to do?" He slides it unlocked and smiles at the background, it's me, him, and our kids on our wedding.

"Call the judge," I cross my arms over my chest.

"Oh," he nods and googles the number.

I watch as he calls.

"Hi, this is Lucas Hollend. I need to report someone violating a restraining order," he speaks, I signal for him to put it on speaker. He does.

"Okay Mr. Hollend the only restraining order for you is one against a Miss. Hailey Decker? Does that sound right?"

"Yes ma'am," he responds.

"How has she broken the order against her?"

"She's texted me multiple times during my honeymoon, even after I've changed my number," he speaks clearly.

"Okay, sir. I'm very sorry and we'll tell her parole officer."

"Wait, parole?" His eyebrows shoot up and he looks at me, I shrug.

"Yes sir, she was arrested last week and taken back in yesterday for assaulting a Miss. Jessica Wainwright," she speaks through the speaker.

"Oh my God," I whisper.

"Thank you ma'am," Lucas responds quickly.

"You're very welcome, and congratulations on your marriage."

He hangs up and hands me the phone. I dial Jess quickly and a male voice comes through.

"Liz," its Bryce speaking.

"Is she okay? Is Aiden with my kids?" I ask frantically.

"She'll live and yes he is," he answer quickly and quietly.

"Jess took a blow to the head and was choked before someone heard her daughter screaming and called the police. They got there just in time and rushed her to the hospital."

"Why Jessica?" I ask.

"Because you weren't here," he answers slowly, trying to not alarm me.

"I'm gonna go, please text me if she wakes up," I nod, knowing he can't see me.

"I will," he says and I hang up.

Lucas takes my hand and slides my ring back on, "now, wanna go to the restaurant and take some food back to the room? We can watch Titanic, laugh about the terrifying irony, and try to relax about Jess?"

I nod hesitantly and stand with his arm draped over my shoulders.

"Looks even better from the back!" Luca yells from his lonely table, a clear indication he's been rejected again.

"I'm half a step away from killing you," Lucas speaks casually to the perv across the pool.

The boy just nods and looks down to the table top and drinks his drink.

"You're quite scary," I smile and look at the ground.

He pulls me to him by shoulders and kisses the top of my head, "you're mine, he needed to know that I don't fuck around with that."

I smile and we walk into the elevator.

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