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"You know how honeymoons are supposed to happy and care free and not at all stressful," I sigh after calling security to tell them that we've officially been threatened by Hailey.

"I've always enjoyed being different," Lucas smiles and winks at me from the mirror.

"And cruises are supposed to be peaceful," I roll my eyes to myself.

"Didn't we JUST watch the Titanic?" This time he turns and faces me with an eyebrow cocked.

"That's different!"

He furrows his brows together and then we see Bradley's small form emerge from the bathroom, "all done."

I smile and pat the bed next to me. He jumps up beside me and smiles, his curls still wet from his shower.

"Can I watch tv?"

I nod and hand him the remote.

"Thank you!" He smiles again, his dimples on full display.

The phone rings and I lunge for it, "hello?"

"Mrs. Hollend?"

"Yes sir, that's me," I answer and Lucas pull on a muscle shirt, showing off his large biceps and the veins strung throughout his arms. I don't even understand how a Demi-God like him could marry a mashed potato like me.

"We have Hailey in custody. However, we need you and your husband to come down to the security office to answer a few questions."

"Of course," I answer before hanging up.

"Hey Bradley," I speak and untangle a few of his curls, "we need to go talk to some guys okay. You cool with that?" I wink and poke his sides.


Lucas looks at me and raises that damn eyebrow again, "what's up?"

"We need to go answer questions...they got Hailey," I answer as Bradley runs into the bathroom.

I pull Lucas' head down to me and kiss him hard before pulling back and smiling, "that's just for you looking so damn hot."

Bradley comes back out in his shorts and t-shirt, we need to go shopping for him again after we dock in our next location.

We all come out of the room and make our way down the hallway to the elevators.


The security office is oddly cold. It's extremely bright and has no color other than grey and black.

They take us through another door and that's when I see her. The ball of psycho hidden in a very pretty body. Lucas walks in before me and I see her stare at him. Then she focuses on me, and her expression falls.

We take our seats in front of her and Bradley walks to Lucas, whispering in his ear. I study her as she watches their interaction, looking satisfied.

Lucas smiles at Bradley and hands him his cell phone before Bradley follows a guard to a little waiting room.

"Mrs. Hollend," the woman questioning us begins, Hailey scowls at me as the woman says my name.

"Yes ma'am," I answer.

"And Mr. Hollend?" She looks from her paper to Lucas.

"Yes ma'am," he nods and puts his arm around the back of my seat.

"And finally," she looks at Hailey, "Miss Decker?"

Hailey nods, "yep."

She hasn't taken her eyes off of me. It's beginning to be uncomfortable.

"So," the woman looks at Lucas and I, "you guys have been married for how long?"

"A little less than a month," Lucas answers, smiling.

"Well congratulations," she smiles, "ages?"

I clear my throat, "19."

"26," Lucas responds.

"How many children?" She asks, going deeper into our lives.

"Four," I answer, "one girl and three boys."

"How did you meet?"

"Why do you need to know this?" I ask, becoming defensive, knowing our way of meeting wasn't exactly smiled upon by others.

"We need to know everything. Anything that could lead up to the current situation," she responds, "we need you to be honest. We don't care if you met on a bad term.

"I was her teacher," Lucas responds quickly.

Her attention snaps to me, "is that true?"

"Yes ma'am," I rest my hand on his thigh, instinctively, "until I quit going to public school and he moved to a new school. Then he was just my neighbor," I answer quickly.

"That's okay," she smiles and I feel relieved, "now you Miss Decker."

"Yep," she answers again and stares at Lucas now, who's staring at me.

"Your previous husband has filed similar charges," the woman, who I've just realized is named Mrs. Pike, asks.

Lucas and I snap our attention to the satanic offspring in front of us.

"Previous husband?" I blurt.

"Sorry!" I lean back in my chair and Lucas moves his arm from behind me and laces our hands together.

"Where is he now?" Mrs. Pike asks.

"Dead." Hailey shrugs.

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