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CallOfTheBeholder ... this one's for you, for always leaving you hanging 😂

We finally get off the phone with the ship's security and after we've thoroughly explained everything they told us to stay in our room and keep the door locked while they track down Hailey.

I glance at Bradley, I know that we've only known him for a few hours but he's my child. And I love him so much, I'd do anything to protect him. He's my child even though I didn't carry him inside me and give birth to him.

Other than that thought, there's another one gnawing at my insides.

"Lucas," I speak just slightly above a whisper, so I don't wake the small sleeping form on the large sofa across the room.

"Yeah?" He sighs as he finally sits down on the bed with me.


"You've already asked," he looks at me, "and I don't know."

"Look how different her and I are. Looks I mean," I continue talking.

"Yeah," he responds shortly.

"I mean," I look at my body, "I'm pale, she's tan. I have red hair, she has brown. I've got wide hips and fat I can't get rid of on my hips on my butt, she's thin and narrow," I ramble.

"Would you shut up," he groans and kisses me, "you're so much better than her. You've got beautiful big eyes and amazing curly red hair. Your body is truly a gift from God. Your freckles and dimples are the cutest things ever. Your pale skin is like one of those glass dolls. You're perfect Elizabeth Danielle Hollend."

I kiss him then rest my forehead on his, "porcelain."

"What?" He pulls back and looks at me, confused.

"That's what those glass dolls are called," I smile at him, "porcelain dolls."

He shakes his head and pulls me in against his chest, "did I mention you're annoyingly smart?"

I smile and kiss his chest, "doesn't take a genius to know what a porcelain doll is."

"Shut up and take a compliment," he shakes his head and pulls the blanket over us.

I glance at my phone, "baby it's only 7."

"Early bedtime," he smiles and yawns.

I laugh and pull the blanket up and around my shoulders, "I'm totally okay with that," I let out a small yawn and look back at Bradley before finally dozing off.

---- next morning ----

I slowly open my eyes and look to my right, Lucas isn't in bed. I look the my left and see Bradley still sprawled out on the sofa.

I smile to myself and that's when I hear the shower running. I pull myself from the bed and pull on my shorts and bikini top. There's a slight buzzing coming from the table and I pick up my phone.

'Unknown' is plastered on the screen. I slide it open, thinking it's the hospital to tell me they've released Jess.

"Hello?" I answer and sit on the bed again.

"Elizabeth?" A woman's voice speaks slowly.

"Yes?" I ask.

"This is Hailey."


"What do you want? The ship's security is looking for you."

"Awww. I just want Lucas," she lets out a small sigh, "so things can go back to the way they were."

"You mean the one night stand you guys had while him and I were separated?" I ask, the annoyance clear in my voice.

"That was the best night of our lives! We're meant for each other!" 

"Seems unlikely that something will actually happen between you two," I hear the shower shut off.

"What do you mean? You're just the girlfriend. The cover-up," she sounds like she's getting angry.

"Actually you dumb bitch," Lucas has now stepped out and is staring at me, "I'm his wife. We're married. We have four kids together. You were the dumb one to throw yourself at someone so easily."

He's now watching me with an eyebrow up.

"Don't get in my way, bitch. I'll get Lucas, and your kids. I'll have my dream life," she growls through the speaker.

"You'll have to kill me first."

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