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As the boat sinks and Jack's slowly getting trapped with the handcuffs, my only thoughts are with Hailey and Jess. I pause the movie and and stare at the Netflix screen.

"Lucas, why is Hailey doing all this?"

"Because she's crazy," he sighs and rubs my back.

"Did you tell her you loved her or anything?"


"I just need to know. I won't be mad if you slurred it in a drunken haze, I just need to know why she's doing this," I sit up on my knees and look at him still extended out on the bed.

"I never said I loved her," he shook his head, "in fact I said it can never happen again."

"That's it," I nod, "she likes the chase... and she's crazy."

He nods, "I don't like talking about that time though."

"Can I ask you something else?" I chew the inside of my cheek.

He nods and looks at me seriously.

"Was she better in bed?" I blush at the fact that even asked that.

"What?" He looks taken back, "hell no. She was like a dead pig and I can't even believe I'd ever stoop that low." He winces and shakes his head.

I straddle his waist and look down at him, "I'm not like that, am I?"

He runs his hands up and down my thighs, not sexually, in a loving way, "hell no, you're hot as hell. Which still makes it hard for me to believe you were a virgin when we met."

"I was 16 and addicted to schoolwork," I furrow my brows, "my life revolved around school."

"And the teachers," he winks and kisses my arm.

"What's that saying about you then?" I smack his arm playfully.

"I just enjoy being involved with people," he grins.

"Deeply deeply involved," I wink and laugh to myself.

He smiles and I hear my phone vibrate, I lunge for it in the off chance it's about Jess.

"Jess?" He asks, hopeful as his hand rests on the back of my thigh as I read the text on the screen.

"Some online magazine," I sigh and set my phone back on the table and return to my spot beside Lucas.

"It'll be okay, baby" he kisses my head reassuringly.

I nod.

"Want me to go get our food?"

I nod again, this time with a small smile.

"Okay," he smiles back and heads for the door.


About 10 minutes goes by and I hear a knock. I roll my eyes, thinking he probably forgot his key.

"Hey Mr. Irresponsi-" I'm cut off by the body rushing into my room.

I focus my eyes on the person as they make their way into my room, it's Luca.

"Fam, you gotta stop," I shake my head and hold the door open, pointing into the hall.

"I'm not leaving baby girl," he gives that revolting smile again.

"Again, I'm not your baby girl. Secondly, why don't you go prey on the other girls?"

"Why would I want them over you?" He looks at me as if I've asked the stupidest question in the world.

"Because I'm married?" I raise an eyebrow at him and finally let the door close, though I stand very close to it.

"Nothing wrong with a little side fling," he grins and walks closer to me. I kinda regret standing with my back so close to the door now.

"There definitely is. But I really don't like you. At all," I quickly open the door and step backwards right as he leans towards me. He falls, face first onto the ground.

"Playing hard to get? Why can't you just get me hard?" He grins.

"Because you're nothing but a mouth breathing, horrible smelling, girl stalking, kid. She's my wife, and I don't mean to sound cocky but I don't think she's looking for a downgrade," Lucas puffs up his chest and walks closer to the creep.

"Fine, muscle mania, I'm leaving," he shakes his head, "you probably suck in bed."

"She definitely sucks, but not in the way you might think. And god damn is she good in bed," Lucas hollers back.

"Oh. My. God," I stand and smile, mortified.

"It's true," we make our way back into our room and he starts taking our food out of the bag.

I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder, "I love you... you know that right?"

He turns around and I keep my arms around him, "Of course I know you do. I love you too," he leans down and kisses my head. I grab my food and walk to the bed.

I sit criss-cross and put a pillow on my lap, setting my food on it.

"Titanic?" He looks at me while eating a bite of chicken.

"Yes please," I smile and nod as he presses play. 

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