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Our boat finally docks and we're suddenly on the homeland again. I smile alongside my beaming wife who currently has Bradley clinging to her back.

"Yo!" Bryce yells before kissing Lizzie's head and giving me a hug. Soon Aiden joins his husband's side and smiles at us.

"So?" Liz questions.

"One hell of a honeymoon I'd say," Aiden speaks up before winking at Bradley, smiling.

"Bradley," Liz sets our newest child down and kneels beside him, "this is your uncle Aiden." Bradley smiles and quickly hugs around Aiden's waist.

"Woah," Aiden smiles and rubs his back.

"But!" Bryce kneels down and taps Bradley's shoulder, "I'm his husband... your cooler uncle." He smirks and nods to him.

Bradley giggles in that infectious little way he does and hugs Bryce's larger figure.

"You stole him! You stole my baby from me!" Aiden yells.

"You both stole my baby!" Lizzie shouts and I can't help but smile.

"What about you big guy?" Bryce pokes my shoulder.

"Honestly," I sigh and wrap my arm around Liz's shoulders, "there's not enough time in the world to explain to you guys what happened on that ship."

Liz grins and we hear people murmuring and we all turn back towards the ship. And that's when the brunette psycho appears. She's handcuffed and being escorted out by two very large men in security uniforms.

"So help me God," she screams, "Lucas!" she screams again, "you're mine!"

We all turn back around slowly.

"Well," I sigh, "that happened"

"I'm going to kill that bitch," Liz mumbles under her breath.

I pull her into my chest and wrap my arms tightly around her, "alright mama bear."

I feel her laugh lightly and stand on her toes to kiss me. I lean down and connect my lips to hers softly and pull back to face our brothers and son.

"Cooties!" Bryce yells at us and Bradley quickly follows suit. They all three laugh and Liz blushes slightly.

"Oh hush it!" She smiles and picks Bradley up.

"Ice cream?" She asks him, receiving a nod.

I smile and shake my head as we all start walking to the car, Liz and I with Bradley following behind Aiden and Bryce.

"What do you say daddy?" She looks up at me and smiles, "ice cream?"

I feel my chest tighten and insides burn as that word leaves her mouth, knowing what happened the last time she called me that.

I lean to her ear from behind her, "I say; we have three days in Florida before our flight back home... and I know now that I'm leaving Bradley with your brother. You're mine tonight." I kiss her neck and she looks up at me quickly.

"Yes, sir." She smiles up at me and bites her gorgeous plump bottom lip.

Bradley wiggles free and runs to Aiden's side, "daddy says I'm staying with you tonight because he wants mommy to himself!" He yells.

Liz turns bright red and clasps her hand over her mouth.

Bryce curls over, laughing. He turns to us but starts laughing until he's purple.

Aiden just looks as mortified as his sister.

"Jesus," I laugh and sigh. I can't even breathe.

"Well," Aiden pauses, "looks like we're having a sleepover so your perv parents can get it on."

The laughter continues as we all finally see the humor and make our way to the car.

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