Sexy in size twelve

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Chapter one

I look in the mirror and grimace. My stupid jeans were too tight and I could see the hideous muffin top. My shirt decided not to fit right today and ether went too far up or too far down.

"Hey beautiful, you ready for school?" my brother, Tom, said walking into the bathroom and flexing his oh-so-perfect muscles- note the sarcasm -and poked my stomach. I slapped his hand away and glared at him.

"Woah easy there tiger I'm just messing around." He said grinning. Ugh he such an annoyance.

"Yeah yeah whatever just get out dumb ass." I said obviously annoyed. He put his hand over his heart with a fake hurt look on his face. "Now baby sis, that is not a good way to treat your dear older brother, now is it." His green eyes flashed with humor, and I couldn't help but smile. I laughed quietly and peeled off the way too tight shirt. I walked out of the bathroom and went to my bedroom looking for a bigger shirt. I found a semi cute black veil brides shirt and put it on over a gray tank top. I walked back to the bathroom ignoring the amused look from my brother.

"Aww come on Kate, don't be mad. Smile, you know you love me," He said trying to pull off a puppy face. I stared at him for a second taking in the slightly curly dark brown hair we shared and rolled my eyes and laughed. He pulled me into a hug and patted my head. I hugged him back and smiled. I don't know what I would do without Tom. He is the only person who doesn't make fun of me. I went back to looking in the mirror and pulled my long hair into a ponytail, then looked once more at the blue-grey eyes in the mirror.

"Well it's the first day of hell might as well get it over with." I said to no one in particular. I half walked half jogged downstairs to the kitchen where I made my favorite breakfast.Waffles. I stuffed one in my mouth and headed out the door to my brothers awesome sliver dodge pick up. I hopped in just as Tom walked out the door. He got in the car smiled at me and started driving to Black Lake high school. Thank god my mom wasn't here. With my mom being a size zero top fashion designer I got a lot of lectures from her about being a size twelve. My dad died a few years ago in a car accident. We were never that close so I don't miss him too much but it's effected Tom a lot. They were really close and he cried for days after dad died.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt the trucks brakes slam and was yanked forward only to be painfully pulled back by the seatbelt.

"What the hell Tom!" I yelled at him then looked out the window to see that we were at the back parking lot of the school. "O" I said and gave Tom an apologetic smile. I hoped out of the car and followed Tom into the school. Sadly I had to get away from him when we entered the cafeteria. His friends are the biggest jerks in the school and though this is a new school for me it wasn't for him. For some reason my mom decided to send me to a different school than him for my first few years of high school. It was something about how she didn't want me making her look bad by ruining her perfect people family. So basically she wanted people to think she never gave birth to me and only had a 'perfect' son. I walked to the other side of the cafeteria and found an empty table and sat down taking my green iPod out of my purple backpack. I shoved the earbuds in my ears and ignored the loneliness by listening to Rebel Love Song by BVB.

I closed my eyes and waited for first bell to ring so that I could go to my first class, Art. Yay I loved art it was the only way to express my emotions without talking. I felt the table I was at vibrate and opened my eyes to a pair of almost black looking eyes. I yelped slightly and moved back to see a complete hottie in front of me. I nearly melted from the sight of him. His hair was longish and tousled in the cutest way. His body was like a Adonis. I could see all his muscles through a tight fitted navy blue t-shirt. I couldn't help but move my eyes downward and look at his fitted black jeans. He was slightly tan and had a black hoodie tied around his waist. He had a dangerous look on his face and I could see his anger was pointed towards me.

I blushed when I realized I was staring for too long and everyone was looking at us. Then I thought what the hell is this guys problem?! I jumped up and jabbed his chest with my finger.

"What the hell did you do that for asshole?" I yelled clearly pissed off. I was so not gonna take crap from people this year.

"You are at MY TABLE in MY SEAT!" He said and pushed my hand away. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why can't you just go find another table. There is plenty of room everywhere else but so sorry sweetheart I'm not moving. I sat here first." I said as I sat down and crossed my arms. I know this is childish, but this asshole cannot expect me to move just because he wants me to. He huffed and grabbed my shirt and pulled me up. I could smell his breath, which smelled like honey. To be honest, I was completely terrified at this point, but I was not going to show him that. I kept a straight face and glared at him. I tried pushing him away but his grip on my shirt was tight.

"You look new here so I don't expect you too know who I am, but I suggest you be a good girl and go somewhere else before I make your life a living hell." He said in a way too calm voice.

I chuckled at that and smirked then looked him dead in the eye and said "sorry Hun you're too late my life is already a living hell." then I mocked him by adding " now be a good boy and go somewhere else." With that I pushed him away and sat back down sticking my tongue out at him. His face turned hard and then the weirdest thing happened. He laughed! It was a deep amused laughed. He sat down next to me and put his arm around the back of my chair. I scooted away and glared at him again which only made him chuckle again.

"What are you laughing at asshole." I asked and pushed his hand off the back of my chair to which he placed there again.

" You. You're interesting. I'm gonna have fun playing with you." He said and chuckled again which only fueled my anger. I was about to cuss him out when Tom came up behind me and all but picked me up and stood in front of me.

"Ryder if you even so much as touch my baby sis again I will kick your ass you bastard." He said and I could hear the anger in his voice. Tom has always been overprotective, but he sounds absolutely deadly right now. I touched his arm and looked at him with a questioning face. He glanced at me then glared at Ryder again.

"Oh so this is the amazing little sister of the great Tom Robinson" I heard Ryder say with an amused smirk on his face. I looked at him and he smiled and winked at me. I rolled my eyes. Stupid bastard, I thought.

"Yea is there a problem? No? Well okay then I'm leaving bye asshole see ya bro" I said just as the bell rang. I grabbed my bag, flipped off Ryder, and side hugged Tom. I went into art class pissed off to no end and ready to take it out on paper.


So that was the first chapter tell me what you thought but don't be mean

Bye thanks

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