Chapter 18

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Sara's POV:

I didn't even notice when Harry came to bed. I went to sleep a bit before dinner time and woke up when Elizabeth needed to be fed, which was around 8:00. After I rocked her back to sleep, I walked back to the bedroom and fell back asleep. Every few hours, Elizabeth would wake up crying and I'd either feed her or change her.

All the while, my boyfriend slept like a rock. I don't get why he expected me to wake up every time to take care of our daughter. Maybe he just wasn't ready to be a father, or he's clueless. I think it's a little bit of both. He'd seemed so ready the entire time I was pregnant, but I guess the reality set in once we brought her home.

After the 6am feeding I didn't even try to go back to sleep, even though I was exhausted. I sent a text to Gemma inviting her, Anne, and Robin over for lunch. I wasn't sure if she was awake due to the time change from London to Los Angeles. She responded almost immediately.

*Gemma: We'd love to come! What time works for you?*

*Me: How does noon sound?*

*Gemma: Perfect!*

After texting Gemma I decided to make myself some breakfast. I wasn't much of a cook, so I settled on a bowl of Cheerios. I ate my breakfast in the kitchen before watching infomercials on TV since the only other thing on at 6am was the news, which I got on my phone anyways.

I must've fallen asleep because next thing I knew Elizabeth was crying. I rubbed my eyes and went upstairs to the nursery to check on her.

"Hi, my beautiful girl," I cooed as I picked her up. I checked her diaper and it was clean, so I figured that she was hungry. I sat in the rocking chair and fed Elizabeth before burping her. I checked the clock on the wall. It was 9:30 and Harry still wasn't up yet.

"You know, Elizabeth, your dad loves you, even though he hasn't gotten up once to help you," I whispered. She was wide awake, her green eyes roaming the room.

"I love you too, very much. And I hope that I don't mess you up over the next 18 years," I continued.

"You won't," Harry said from the doorway, making me jump.

I didn't even try to hide my irritation with him. "You're up."

"Yeah, I am," he replied cautiously.

"Your family is coming over at noon for lunch," I informed him flatly.

"Okay... Sara, are you alright?"


Harry didn't buy it for a second, but I was too exhausted to explain myself. I didn't even think I had to, quite frankly. The whole point of is being and living together was to take care of our daughter together, not for him to sleep through everything. Maybe Harry really wasn't ready to be a dad.

"Can I make you something for breakfast?" Harry asked.

"I already ate but thanks," I said.

"Babe, are you sure you're okay?"

Was I okay? Not in the slightest. But I wasn't going to have an argument with him around Elizabeth.

"Mmhm," I mumbled.

He eyed me cautiously before walking out of the nursery. He didn't even notice our daughter.

How I was going to get through this lunch was beyond me.

Harry's POV:

I got the best sleep of my night last night. Elizabeth didn't even cry, which was kind of weird, because babies are supposed to cry a lot at night if they're hungry or something. But I guess Sara and I made a baby that doesn't cry.

Sara seemed really mad about something, but she insisted that she was fine. I hope that we can work out whatever is wrong before my family gets here for lunch. I wanted to ask to hold Elizabeth but I didn't want to be around Sara while she was that upset. It kind of scared me to be honest.

However I did hold Elizabeth while Sara was in the shower. I sat in the rocking chair in the nursery and rocked my sleeping daughter. Whenever she started to get fussy, I'd start singing until she calmed down.

"I love you, Elizabeth," I whispered. I looked over at the clock. It was 11:45 and I still had to shower, but I didn't want to stop spending time with Elizabeth.

"Hey," Sara said, knocking on the doorframe.

"Hi," I said cautiously. Was she still mad? Was she here to yell at me?

"I can take Elizabeth if you need to shower or anything," she offered.

"Okay," I replied. "You look beautiful, Sara."

She blushed a little before saying, "Thanks."

Sara was still definitely upset about something. I didn't want to fight before we saw my family, so I didn't ask any questions. I stood up and gave Elizabeth a kiss on the head before handing her off to Sara. I walked out of the nursery and into the bedroom. I picked out a black button down and black jeans to wear before getting into the shower.

I let the hot water rush over me, trying to figure out what I could've done to upset Sara. I was drawing a blank. So, I decided to talk to Gemma about it while she was here. She was really close with Sara, so if anyone could figure out why she was upset, it was Gemma.

I got out of the shower with enough time to dry off my hair and get dressed. I heard the doorbell ring and I went downstairs to open the door. Once I did, my mum and sister immediately pushed past me to go hold Elizabeth. Robin smiled at me.

"Hi, Robin," I said, shaking his hand.

"Your mum and Gemma wouldn't stop talking about Elizabeth on the way here," my stepdad groaned.

"You're a saint for dealing with that," I joked.

Robin laughed as he stepped inside the house. I shut the front door behind him and took his jacket.

"So, where's Sara?" he asked.

"I'm actually not sure," I answered. "I think she's in the nursery with Elizabeth."

"How is she doing?"

"She's good."

"And how are you two doing?"

"Um, she's upset with me, but I'm not sure why," I confessed.

"Have you considered asking her what's on her mind?" Robin retorted.

"I asked if she was okay and she said that she was fine, and I didn't want to press and fight before we had company," I said.

Robin sighed and said, "Harry, you've got to ask her what's wrong. Putting things to the side only adds tension."

I nodded, knowing he was right. I vowed to ask Sara what was going on after my family left. I didn't care if we fought. I just wanted to fix whatever was wrong.


Ooh, things are getting tense! Y'all are in for a little bit of a ride in the next chapter hehehe. Remember to vote and comment and such!!

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