Chapter 22

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After Harry left for his meeting I immediately regretted how we left things. We'd never left the house without resolving a fight. My paranoid self was scared that something was going to happen to Harry and that our last conversation was going to be an argument.

I looked over at Elizabeth, who had fallen asleep in her little seat. She deserved to have both parents present. But she also deserved two parents who didn't argue. For a split second, I truly felt like Elizabeth was the only think keeping Harry and I together.

Harry was gone the entire day. I knew that something was going on when he hadn't come home for dinner. I sat in the living room, trying to figure out where Harry could possibly be. I was just about to call Gemma when my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I said.

"Sara, it's Gemma," she answered. She sounded panicked and almost scared.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, concern evident in my wavering voice.

"It's Harry. He showed up at our hotel completely drunk, and I was about to drive him to your house, but he grabbed my keys, and," Gemma trailed off at the end.

"And, what? Where's Harry?"

Gemma didn't say anything.

"Gemma, you're really scaring me. Where is Harry?" I demanded.

"He got into an accident. He took my keys and tried to drive but he crashed. He's in the hospital."

I felt my heart drop. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening. Harry never got drunk. He was always coming to get me when I was drunk.

"What hospital?" I asked, wiping at my eyes.

"The same one where you had Elizabeth," Gemma replied.

"I'm coming."

I hung up and immediately called Madison.

"Mads," I cried as soon as she answered.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Harry's in the hospital. Can you come babysit Elizabeth? We've got bottles in case she gets hungry."

"I'm on my way now."

Within ten minutes Madison was at the door. She just told me to go and that she knew where everything was.

I spent the entire drive to the hospital sobbing. I had no idea what Harry's condition was. I couldn't lose him. Not now. Not ever, really. I needed Harry.

Paparazzi were already outside the hospital when I got there. I walked through them with my head down, not saying a word.

I walked up to the receptionist and asked, "Where's Harry Styles?"

"Are you family?" the lady asked.

"No, I'm-"

"Sorry, sweetie, only family and spouses get to see patients in the ICU," she said, cutting me off.

I narrowed my eyes and said, "If you hadn't cut me off, you would've heard me say that I'm his wife."

The lady is rolled her eyes.

"What. Room. I'm not asking you again," I demanded.

"702," she grumbled.

"Thank you. What's your name?" I asked sweetly.


"Well, Jane, I hope you've enjoyed this job, because when I'm done talking to your supervisor you won't have it anymore."

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