six | i want to stay

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Looking into my reflection once more, I nodded in approval at the sight of my leather, black mini skirt and a warm black hoodie that reached just above the waistband of the skirt. I had pulled my hair into a high ponytail and retouched my makeup lightly in an attempt to get rid of the oil that was making a show on my face.

With a sigh, I grabbed my phone before exiting my room, closing my door behind me then descended the staircase quickly. I heard a few cheers come from the living room as I frowned and poked my head around, my chest immediately constricting at the sight.

There, in the living room, was my parents and Dakota, laughing and playfully arguing over who was going to win their board game. My father looked stress-free as he had Dakota in a headlock and ruffled her blonde hair before releasing her with a chuckle. My mother laughed at the sight and shook her head in amusement whilst Dakota fixed her blonde hair back into place with a pout.

It shouldn't have affected me but it did. They were my family by blood and they couldn't have at least asked me if I wanted to join. I felt a lump rise in my throat as my father kissed both of Dakota's and my mother's forehead lovingly as if they meant the entire world to him. They didn't even seem to notice my absence as if I never even existed in their lives.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, dragging me out of my own sorrows as I quickly hid behind the wall and took in deep breaths, trying to control my breathing. I swallowed the lump in my throat and plastered on a blank expression as I saw Dakota run towards the front door.

"I'm here to pick up Aurora," a familiar masculine voice said just as Dakota opened the door, her blue eyes widening in awe. I didn't blame her because from what I saw, he was handsome in his all-black attire with his blonde hair dishevelled as always. He raised an eyebrow in her direction. "Is she here?"

"Who is it, darling?" my mother questioned from the living room.

Dakota nodded stiffly before turning on her heel and just as she opened her mouth to call my name, her eyes met my own. "H-h-he's h-here for y-you."

I rolled my eyes as I strutted past the living room, catching a glimpse of my mother's and father's confused facial expressions in the corner of my eyes. I brushed past my sister, causing her to stumble back as I walked right out the door, ignoring Ashton's curious gaze.

"Aurora Steele!" This time it was my father.

I felt so angry with everything and everyone. I felt so angry at the world. At fate for putting me into a family that didn't even give a damn about me. Anger bubbled within the pits of my stomach as I kept facing the dark night, blinking back the tears before taking in a deep breath.

I turned around on my heel and clenched my jaw as Ashton stood awkwardly on the front porch, wondering what he should do. He stood beside my father, looking rather uncomfortable as I chuckled humourlessly. "Yes, father?"

"Where are you going?" he questioned, taking a few steps forward.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Ashton's taking me to a party."

My father raised an eyebrow as his piercing blue eyes roamed around my clothing in disapproval. "Dressed like that?"

I cocked an eyebrow, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to see it. "I thought you were already used to me dressing however I wanted."

Rebellious Aurora | ✓Where stories live. Discover now