Another Day

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A/N: There's some abuse later in this chapter so I'd be careful.

(Chris's P.O.V.)

I sighed, nearly falling asleep on one of the pews as sermon was read.

"Christopher, head up!" The pastor hissed as he walked past me.

I groaned, everything was so boring here, being an altar boy sucked. I was  at this church for as long as I could remember. One of the priests took me in as a new born so I didn't know who my real family was. Apparently they just left me on the church steps.

Right now all I wanted to do was go back to bed, so much so I could feel my head keep drifting downwards.

I yelped when I felt something whip my back, earning quiet chuckles from fellow altar boys. Did the pastor just fucking hit me?

I growled, slamming the bible that I was holding shut and throwing it at the ground. I stood up and stormed out of the chapel back to my room.

I threw myself down on the bed, I just wanted to go home! I wanted my real home, not some stupid fucking church.

Not even a minute later my door was thrown open and I was drug out back to the chapel. There was no preaching, everyone sat silent and staring at me.

I gasped as was pushed so I was bent over the altar. One of the oldest boys in our group came up behind me holding a whip.

Oh fuck, not today. Not again.

I whimpered as he pulled up my robes and pulled down my pants and underwear.

I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut preparing for the first blow. I arched forward and whimpered as I felt the whip come down hard on my ass.

I buried my face into my hands, I couldn't get away there was too much pain. I stiffled a scream as it seemed to get faster and harder with each hit.

I was counting the whips in my head. I lost count after 15, I couldn't form a coherent thought much less count. I assume it was somewhere after thirty lashes he stopped.

I shuddered and fell to my knees.

"Now pray for forgiveness." The pastor growled.

"No," I spat. "I'm not praying to a God who would do something like this."

"Really then," He asked. "Then it looks like you've learned nothing. So in order for you to be grateful for what you have, you'll suffer what our savior died for."

No, they couldn't. That's illegal and insane, were they going to crucify me? I've heard stories about that being done here before, but that was a long time ago. They couldn't do it again, could they?

"I'm not going to be hung on a fucking cross if that's what you think." I growled.

"Think again, Christopher. Maybe this time you'll learn something." He stated.

"Leave him in the basement." He added sternly.

I kicked and screamed as two of my own dragged me to the basement. I've heard of the basement before, it was a bad place. It was more like a dungeon than anything. I've only been down here once and the things I saw were awful.

The two boys that drug me here stripped me of my clothes. One held me down while the other chained me to the concrete floor.

I looked at them with a scowl. I thought about spitting at them, but they looked scared and remorseful.

I saw the one that was holding me down had circular scars on his hands. They did this to him too, didn't they?

"I'm sorry," The boy whispered, gently touching my cheek.

"Please," I whimpered. "Don't let them do this to me."

"You know I can't, they're too powerful." He said before the other boy grabbed his hand and lead him away.

The door closed and the room went dark. I'm scared, but it was after all just another day.

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